I can’t write an actual post tonight I have quite a large game to prep because my players decided they wanted to talk with a god and then have a stroll in Asgard/Ysgard…
Were I playing 2e Planescape, I could just say “Tough luck, you don’t have the proper portal key”. However, since it’s one of the first time I actually get requests from players, I just have to make an effort now won’t I?
But it so happen that I’m one of those that like to create when presented with constraints.
So here’s what I have to play with:
- I have a PC that’s missing (I still need to know if Math will show up) that was last seen fighting against impossible odds to defend Elven lives in Ptolus.
- I have a PC (Cruguer) whose past was uncovered and sits near 2 of his benefactors (Lillee and her Goddess Elhonna)
- I have a prophecy that points toward a land of Ice and a Giant’s demon killing sword
- I have players who want to immerse themselves in D&D’s version of Norse mythology
- Ysgard/Asgard is the land of ever-living heroes who ressurect from death every evening after fighting all day.
The story telling possibilities are many!
Okay, now in order to give you something amusing here, I thought I’d do a little caption contest…
Here’s my favorite picture from my webcomic:
I want you to propose the funniest word bubble(s) that you would add to this image.
I’ll create the 2 funniest with Comic Book creator and post them on the blog or forum next week with the author’s credit…
pirate: “c’mon out honey, I swear, you’re the prettiest scaly thing on the beach.”
Fang: Do you have any Mountain Dew?
Pirate: Yes! It’s in the Fridge!
Fang: Burp.
Pirate: Gotta love the smell of sulfur in the morning.
Pirate: Listen, um, about what went on when we were on the delivery truck…
Fang: Enough said. What goes on in the box, stays in the box. We’re cool.
Voice from box #1: Not me! Scarred for life!
Voice from box #2: Me neither. I’m telling everyone I meet!
Pirate (mumbling under breath in small font): arrrgh.
(I hope we can have more than one entry!)
Caption: In that instant, Steve knew his chance to play “Let’s Make A Deal” had taken a turn for the worst.
Pirate: Arrrrh! I knew I should be a takin’ curtain number 2!
Of course no limits on entry… this is funny stuff!
More more!
(one more!)
Fang: Alright guys, watch your step on the way out. It looks like there is a lot of glue on the box top.
Pirate: That’s not glue.
Fang: Ugh! I told you to go before we left!
Pirate: That was 3 months ago! Count yourself lucky I held it that long.
(Sorry, couldn’t resist the potty humor.)
Pirate: Why are you still in the box?
Fang: It doesn’t feel safe outside. I think it could be a trap.
Pirate: Why would there be a trap here? What do you think is going to happen? A tree will mysterious crash on the top of your box?
( I’ve never seen that famous tree, but it has brought Chatty and me closer than anything else…)
Fang: Hey, pirate dude! Any good looking women out there ?
Pirate: Oh boy, you’re not gonna a fun time here…
Fang: [whisper] Any traps?
Pirate: Not so far.
Fang: [whisper] Good. Any enemies?
Pirate: Can’t see any.
Fang: [whisper] Good. Any bearded NPCs?
Pirate: Nope. The coast is pretty much clear.
Fang: [whipser] Any geeks?
Pirate: Never-get-out-of-that-box!
I see that some of you “cheat”…. if each character has more than one bubble… it’s not a one panel comic but a multipanel one using the same image…. which many artists do I noticed…
But it’s all cool… I want funny, not sticking to rules!
Um… number of speech bubbles isn’t traditionally limited by the number of panels.
(Though it is limited by the space in each panel, so the longer ones would be pushing it.)
Yup agreed… but placing multiple bubbles per panel takes a lot of space unless you make the bubbles pop out of the panel…
Hey, this is fun! Okay, last one….
Pirate: Arrrrgh. I ask for a parrot and this is what I get?!?
Fang: Hey, if you want to *pick* your animal companion, maybe you should have been a druid or something.
Good one Scotticus!