Around these parts, Portal has seen a slight insurgence, thanks to me lending Bartoneus and Sucilaria The Orange Box. I actually had to get them to shut it down at a party last Saturday so that I could feed my Rock Band addiction and caterwaul through my rendition of Ballroom Blitz. This actually allowed them to preserve the magic a little while longer, because on Monday Bartoneus informed me that he had beaten it already (a feat that I had yet to accomplish, thanks to some damn pillars.)
So anyway, it would seem that Rock Band and Portal are at odds for our time and attention… but it need not be so! After a show by the great Jonathon Coulton (who I saw live in concert before he was popular) they busted out the RB setup to unveil that the hit credit song, Still Alive, would be downloadable content for Rock Band in the near future.
The other GDC announcement worth noting in this area is that Portal 2 is coming. But who cares about that, right?
I beat portal in like one sitting, though it was immensly fun! Im getting ready to just shell out for the guitar and GHero soon to get some practice in before I make an arss of myself next time I play rock band.
When I saw the title, my mind went in all kinds of directions of how to match first-person puzzle play with a rhythm mechanic, totally missing the obvious. curses.
No worries, Abe, after I wrote the title I started to think about that too!
I think it’ll be a huge success.
Gina sends along this video of the event happening!
Portal 2. Astronomically more exciting than Postal 2.
“We do what we must, because we can.”