Did not see that one coming…
Leonardo DiCaprio is set to produce a live-action version of anime classic Akira.
Technology may have finally caught up to the point where doing live-action Akira is more feasible than it once was. But how faithful will it be to the original? Who will direct? Will DiCaprio take a role in it? HOW MUCH SHOUTING WILL THERE BE???
These questions will determine if the movie is brought into the new millennium, or if we’ll just get another ridiculous remake.
This is weird. Well, at least it can’t be worse than the live-action Dragonball Z movie…
The live action DBZ movie is way closer to happening / being done than this is. I think a live action Akira could be cool, and have some great action scenes in there with amazing special effects.
The biggest problem I have with it is, the original is so good to begin with why do you really need to re-make it? Especially when it runs the risk of looking MORE fake than the animated one.
What I’m about to say isn’t much, but…
If they can do it well, I’m all for it…
If not…meh, I’ll still probably see it…
I can see the whole Bike chase scenes going down, but him growing into this monsterous sized blob of flesh and metal? nope dont see it being possible.
Leave the anime classics alone please, lets stick to crappy remakes of comic books, were doing a great job of screwing those up!
The live action DBZ is now in filming. I saw a few shots of it somewhere, probably Kotaku. It looks ridiculous and very americanized.
I imagine that the live action Akira would come out the same way. They would americanize it.
As long as they pronounce Kanada “Ka-Nay-Da” rather than “Canada”, I will be fine with it.
Edit: Now where is my live action Tenchi Muyo! ?!
I did a little searching and found the images on Kotaku:
More news on the subject: