Just like me, 38% of you will be starting a new campaign when D&D fourth edition comes out. 24% people are going to stay with 3.5, though not necessarily for reasons that are anti-4e. Those who don’t play D&D and those who will do whatever the DM decides (including several of the players in my current game) got some decent votes too.
I just happened to come across something today that we just couldn’t believe: one of our D&D in-joke classes ended up being published in a supplement. Yes, someone got paid money to design the Master of Immovable Rods (expert of the rod-in-the-throat maneuver).
I have no explanation for why I want to know:
[poll id=”65″]
I believe I have run a game with that included this whole list… minus a holy avenger and portable hole.
Everything but the staff and the avenger in the last D&D game I played…I voted Immovable Rod, because I make the most use of that…
A better question, is it ribbed for her pleasure? or for the bonus damage?
Is the Apparatus of Kwalish what gets used in the Portable Hole?
Hmm…new connotation…same answer…interesting…
I voted for the apparatus…but what about my Deck of Many Things?!
Oh, and what was that robe (it was in a supplement I can’t recall atm) where you would pull a patch off of it and it would give you some terrible/hilarious item? Anyone know and could link it for us if its somewhere on the interweb?
Methinks you’re missing something, though Deck of Many Things is a close one if you change a vowel.
And you’re thinking of the Robe of Useless Items.
Ok, this is a very male-biased poll (pole?).
It’s very hard to equate most of these to the female “personality”, save the portable hole. However, I choose the Holy Avenger, because damnit, that’s awesome. I’m such a pally lover. *coughVOTEFORHUCKABEEcough*
I tried, I really did, there just weren’t as many fun items for balance in the DMG.
And don’t you dare bring the political debate onto my website!
Size alteration!
I only understood the connotation by the time I read the eleventh comment. I work too much.
Does anyone know what’ll happen if you put an Immovable Rod into a Portable Hole?
Seriously, how has no one asked this question yet?
Weee!…I’m #11!…
Immovable Rod + Portable Hole = Movable, but still rigid, Rod…
I just wonder what happens when you use the Staff of Size Alteration to shrink the Rod of Lordly Might/Splendor…I suspect one ends up with a Rod of Serfly Mediocrity/Content…you can get that from one of the patches, me thinks…
“I just wonder what happens when you use the Staff of Size Alteration to shrink the Rod of Lordly Might/Splendor…I suspect one ends up with a Rod of Serfly Mediocrity/Content…you can get that from one of the patches, me thinks…”
It’s not the size of the Rod that matters, but how you use it!
True that…
I’m surprised after 17 comments there wasn’t one “portable hole + your mom” joke.