I should have spent the evening writing my DM log, I know, but the Webcomic bug came back and bit me hard.
So I got myself a rightfully owned copy of Comic Book Creator 2 and I started experimenting a bit more. (Once more with Graham’s technical expertise and critical eye).
Since my blog was not designed to show a comic (it’s about 500 pixels wide) you can see it by clicking here! (Or the thumbnail, zooming in once helps to read it)
What is it about? Well it’s about my D&D mini collection and the adventures its members could live. The line between Characters, Game Props, Setting, Story and Reality are very blurred. There is no Fourth wall!
I owe my inspiration to Shamus Young’s DM of the Ring and the Irregular Webcomic crew.
I don’t know how often I’ll post these as it’s very hard to be funny in so few words. I’m really not sure if my talents lay there yet. (Woot, I even manage to sound like Pyro on issue #1!)
I wonder if it gets any easier with time?
I hope you enjoy it…
P.S.: For those wondering that’s the box up for the ‘Chatty’s new abode‘ raffle. While the figurines you see in panel #3 are all of that collection, the actual contents of the box are still in their bags… and I’m not saying what the rare is…
I think I’m juuuuust out of the target audience for this one, but this is bonus content so I don’t mind so much.
So you’re saying it sucks but in a nice way! How diplomatic… 😀 I’m so drafting you for the next storyboarding session!
Yeah I might go a bit easier on the D&D specific jokes… A few more D&D sessions and you’ll be THE target audience! 🙂
Still all feedback is good feedback if said honestly and constructively! 🙂
I’m definitely in the target audience for this one. I’m a big webcomics fan, and photocomics can do very well if they have good writing behind them.
For an intro comic it sets up that the 4th wall is in disarray and the cast can be as big as your entire minis collection, but might focus on one or two personalities (the pirate holds promise). I’m definitely interested to see how it goes, and I hope the Giant Green Clay Golem makes an appearance :).
The only other things I would say about it is to try to shoot from a more head on (to the mini’s) angle instead of bird’s eye view, and a dedicated light source or two (probably with some kind of diffusion on it) would improve the only quality elements I can see. I only say that cause I’ve worked in the TV industry too long and I tend to be overly critical of lighting and shot composition :). They are really fairly minor things. Like I said, I am looking forward to seeing more!
This is golden stuff John…. and thanks for the mini review!
I might scrounge around for a photo light… as my gaming room does have funky lightning (fluorescent bulbs in suspended celling).
Hey, that pirate starred in my last adventure too! They really get around!
I like him… he struck out when I was sifting through War of the Dragon Queen figs I had…
I’m also looking forward to Reefer Umber Hulk, the return of Gumby and a few others…
If only I could get my hands on a Dritzz miniature…
Phil whistles innocently
Hey Dave, congrats, yours was the 1500th comment on this here blog!
“I’m also looking forward to Reefer Umber Hulk”
Now THAT is a character concept! We always joked the Umber Hulk’s confusion attack manifested itself as swirly hypno-eyes and it saying “Ummmmbbbeeerrrr Hulk” in deep tones.
“If only I could get my hands on a Dritzz miniature…”
Mwahaha, I’ve got the original! In case you didn’t know, they made a new Drizzt and included him with a Gargantuan White Dragon for a box set.
“Hey Dave, congrats, yours was the 1500th comment on this here blog!”
Woohoo! What’s my prize? 🙂
Oh, he knows…
Graham whistles innocently as well…