A World of Warcraft Collectible Miniatures Game is coming. Details are still vague on the website, but there’ll be starter packs and booster packs as you’ve come to expect from this sort of thing by now (and to go head to head for your random prepainted minis dollars with D&D Minis 2.0). Some examples of the figs are on the website. As with their CCG, it looks like they’ll mostly be characters they made up (and of course, LEEROY JENKINS) instead of, I dunno, drawing on characters that people have made themselves. Come on, who wouldn’t want to play a ROFLCOPTER the gnome?
Anyway, even as non-WoW fan, and someone who really disliked the WoW CCG, I see a lot of potential because of two tidbits (emphasis mine):
You can build parties from the Alliance, Horde, and Monster factions
the Miniatures Game will feature standalone raid and dungeon scenarios, letting players play cooperatively against other players or fully automated dungeons.
D&D Minis tried hard to come up with a random dungeon system in their Handbook, but it still required DM intervention and all this other stuff. If they can succeed in making a satisfying random multiplayer minis-driven dungeon crawl that doesn’t need a DM, then sign me up. Bonus points for making them the same scale as D&D so I can use them in my RPG sessions.
(ninja’d from OgreCave)
Please let there be rules for ninja-looting!
I would enjoy having a miniature of Leroy for my D&D game.
That’s a pretty awesome thought:
PC #1: Alright guys, the Temple of Elemental Evil is one of the toughest dungeons around. Can you run the numbers for us?
PC #2: I estimate 32.33- repeating of course- chance of survival.
PC #1: Good then, we’ll just cast some Bull’s Strengths and get ready…
DM: Just then as you’re planning, a figure bursts in through the door and charges past you into the next room. (pulls out a miniature from the box) He yells, “LLLLEEEERRROOOOYYYY JEEENNKKKIIINNNSS!” and alerts the monsters to your presence.
PC #1: Goddammit, Leeroy!
Sweet, more awesome minis for my D&D games.
Unfortunately they are about 1.5 to 2.X times the size of camparitive D&D minis. Some of them _may_ work, but many of them will tower over other minis, and their bases are quite large (like a medium-size base in d&d minis for example just for a random orc).
Yes, i went to the site a little while back, and it appears that the models are somewhere taller than the “heroic” scale even.
As for making models of players’ characters, there is a special opportunity for that in fact, but it requires some extra moolah. $$$
I won’t be getting into these, because they are the wrong scale for what i play, won’t fit on my 1″ square grids, and more importantly: I like knowing what i’m buying. I got into MK for a while and got fed up with the random amazons and useless Elf scouts when i wanted tough orcs and Crystal Bladesmen. I felt so guilty the few times i’d open a box in the store to peek inside before buying, i just quit buying them. Besides, they were always so disfigured and bent from packaging.