Everybody’s favorite Orcish-themed death/thrash metal band, A Band of Orcs, is holding a contest to see who can write the most brutal encounter involving a band of orcs for D&D. Check it out because the deadline is soon- January 21st.
Players in my current D&D game will find that this nicely coincides with an encounter that has just occurred in my game, so I’m very tempted to write some of that up and enter it in the contest (though 3 to 6 pages is a lot more work than what I did for RPG Superstar.) While I probably wouldn’t be able to attend the convention that’s part of the grand prize, I sure would love to get their CD and a pile or Orcish swag.
Your mom got raided by orcs
Orcs may be scary, but green beret kobolds are by far the deadliest of basic monsters…