Proof that great minds think alike: Conan shows off his Rock Band skills, and his favorite song to sing is the same as mine.
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
I find this a bit scary that with all these writers on strike the American TV world is still strumming along… people just watch different shows…
I don’t know if I’m impressed at the network execs resourcefulness or sad that the strike doesn’t seem to have all that much of an effect (I don’t watch TV by the way, I write, I play and I watch series on DVDs)
R. O. F. L.
Phil, American TV is just starting to settle into “strike zone” with more reality TV (which does have writers, but not ones represented by the WGA, and in fact is one of the things being negotiated about.) Talk shows like Conan are part of a big mess. They had to go back on the air to prevent their non-writing staffs from being laid off, but can’t have writers, and aren’t supposed to do monologues.
And then, of course, there were shows that were already done that are just being shown now. The networks are doing their best to give the illusion of situation normal, and thanks to the existing proliferation of reality shows, getting away with it.
It’ll change for the better…I just wish I had a high enough leadership score to get America to stop watching TV and start pirating their wanted shows while the writer’s strike goes on…make it just a little more difficult for the studios to go without their writers…’course, that’d probably be a bad thing in the long run…
Anime will tide me over during my slightly more TVless months…
I think the biggest shame is that several shows which had a lot of promise will most likely never have a fair shot at making it to season 2. Dave listed Journeyman while we were talking about this over the weekend, and I think of shows like Samantha Who? and others that I only caught one episode of but would probably watch if they lasted for more then half a season.
I think Journeyman got shit-canned for poor ratings as opposed to the strike, whereas Chuck got a full season ‘order’, but cannot have it completed because there are no writers available to write the order….
…if that makes sense.
Yes, Journeyman definitely had ratings problems, but it was all made worse by writer’s strike stuff. Had the seasons of Heroes and Chuck gone on, we might have had at least a few more episodes.