This is a short mini-post just to showcase my latest D&D Miniature acquisitions. As I usually do, I buy 2 boosters of each and every D&D mini series they make.
The latest one, Desert of Desolation is full of goodies for my future game sessions. Look a Bone Devil, a Spined Devil, a Fire elemental, Drows, an animated statues, swarms and even a tiefling cleric!
As for that Huge Green Clay Golem? π
Well I gotta thank Andy of for that particular gift. He offered it (and a Pokey figurine) to the 1st two people to comment on his 1000th post. Thank you Google reader!
I also got a pack of the latest D&D tile set: Dire Tombs (which I would have needed in my Seed of Sehan Dungeon Crawl).
Uh Huh, here’s another mini rant coming:
Wizards! Stop publishing books (especially crappy ones) before 4e! The Dungeon Survival guide, WotC presents…. Ahhhhhhhhh!
It also kills me that the Examplar of Evil and Elder Evil books look so good but I can’t buy those and expect any significant mileage out of them.
Here my suggestions, go wild on D&D tiles, 4e preview Miniatures, Battle maps, heck publish adventure design books or re-print 3.5 versions of old classic modules but please, for the love of god, stop putting out crap that my local FLGS has to buy and then stays stuck with and gets hurt with the inventory.
Ahhhh I feel better now.
All right… it’s another weekend of Holiday cheer and parties. I’ll be back on Monday morning with more substantive stuff.
You do realize we’re going to demand stats for the Huge Green Clay Golem now, don’t you? π
As regards what WoTC do with their publishing schedule before, during and after….. I can’t comment as this is a family friendly blog!
Have to respectively disagree on two points.
First, “WotC Presents” is preview material for 4e, which there is clearly demand for. I’ve also heard that the “Evil” books are rules-neutral, but I haven’t looked at them personally. By all accounts, the Dungeon guide is crap. I do agree that they should publish one capstone 3.5 adventure, maybe a classic, maybe something grander.
Second, you did not buy enough Desert of Desolation, unless I missed my spot check to detect the Gelatinous Cube.
There is a demand to pay for the WotC presents line? I’m surprised. I’d have gone with using this as the 1st paid-for D&D insider stuff.
But if people want it, so be it.
The Evil books are actually Fluffed up encounter books. They really look nice and I might go for them if they ever become available at bargain prices… (or as a birthday gift… hint hint, nudge nudge)
As for the Gel-Cube…. Anyone wants to trade for it? I’d rather not buy more boxes… I have quite a few cool rares! Maybe I should start a Trade area in the forums.
The ENWorld boards are full of people who’ve bought Races & Classes, and my order is on the way. (Then again, those two groups are the target audience, who knows how the bigger audience will react. But there was definitely demand.)
I think you hit on the bigger problem will releasing anything right now: people want them, but are convinced they’ll be discounted when 4e rolls around.
I only have the one GC, but they’re not exceptionally rare. I’d be interested in some trading, but what I really wish is that I could sell some of my stupidly expensive rares for a decent amount.
Yeah like that Harbrigner Umber Hulk huh?
I too have one, along an Orc Champion and a few other biggies like that…
That Golem fits right in π
GOOG’s Reader – I agree, it’s the one GOOG app I use religiously, both on the PC and my mobile.
Yeah, the Wizards Presents books are apparently quite good. Very interesting for gamers interested in the design process.
And similar to the Rules Compendium, full of little sidebars and mini-essays from the designers.
Exemplars of Evil, I believe, is similar to the 3e Hero Builder’s Guide. It has crunch, but most of it is “how to build a memorable villain” fluff.
And both EofE and Elder Evils have been listed as 4e compatible. Which I take to mean, as was said here:
“Though I understand pretty much everything we’re releasing between now and 4.0 will be “Edition-Proof” and/or updated on D&D Insider .”
Also, I could have beat you to the gumby (my computer shouts at me when I have a new RSS feed), but I figured someone would enjoy it more than I would.
Exemplars of Evil supposedly will have an update for 4th edition soon after it’s released.