I’ve decided to switch over to Gravatars, since the SexyComments plugin that I use makes it easy. I initially used it with MyBlogLog avatars, but ever since they were bought out, it seems to have gone totally fubar. I know a couple of you have signed up for accounts with MBL to use avatars, and then not had them show up.
Thankfully, Gravatar was bought out, and in this case, works way better than it used to since the buyout. I’ve been testing it for a few days and haven’t seen any downtime. So if you want an avatar to appear by your comments, go sign up with Gravatar. Once that’s done, the email(s) you associate with your account should automatically work with our plugin (even on comments made before you signed up.)
Weeee I use them already!
What a Sexy Dm!
I’m so pleased!
It didn’t work, I’m a failure!
Might as well test it for myself