As expected, To Hit Armor Class 0 is the best nerd rockband name ever as has been proven conclusively, and I didn’t even have to cheat. On our worldwide tour, Rock Into Mordor can open for us for coming in a respectable second. Various other band names (both real and imagined) all came in with 1-4 votes.
Switching gears completely, I lately have been debating writing an article about the popular comics download site ZCultFM being served with DMCA notices by both Marvel and DC. ZCultFM (to which I am a longtime member) was the most popular place to find scanned versions of comics, most notably for their “0 day” packages of comics that hit stores the previous day.
ZCultFM is merely a “tracker” that provides links to torrents with this information, and their removing these links means that the torrent will go away. The scanners who do this work will most likely continue- they call themselves the “Digital Comics Preservation Society” to bring an air of nobility to their work. And indeed, it is because of them that I was able to read lots of older comic stories that are unavailable in stores.
I am a firm believer in creators being paid for their work, but the current state of comics makes it nearly impossible to follow the massive complex storylines that stretch over nearly an entire product without reading everything. Pirating them was one way to keep up, but it seems like the only options are to have a lot of money and buy the dreck along with the quality titles (which is what the companies want you to do) or receive review copies (which I’d like, but is not an option to the casual reader.) The timing of the take-down notices coincides with DC and Marvel attempting to launch their own digital comics versions, but there is no way it’ll be under the same terms as ZCultFM provided.
This is a long winded way of getting to asking my question, and it’s about digital content and piracy. Not just in the area of comics, but books, movies, and the ubiquitous music downloads.
[poll id=”57″]
I will also not blame anyone if they choose not to answer the poll, since the poll software does track how you vote, and there could be some way out chance that our hosting company could one day be subpoenaed for this information. However, I would prefer that if you do vote, vote HONESTLY. If you don’t feel comfortable admitting that you’re a pirate, avoid this poll entirely!
I try to be a straight arrow when it comes to this kind of stuff..
I arr a pirate…the Strike has made me an even more avid supporter of internet piracy…it’s only fair that if the writer’s aren’t getting paid on the internet, then no one should…
LOL, well said Rev. 😛