Brandon Sanderson, author of the Mistborn series, has been chosen to finish the Wheel of Time series from Robert Jordan’s notes. I have not read any of Mistborn, so any comments on it would be welcome. I certainly don’t envy Mr. Sanderson, but I’m glad that someone is going to step in and finish the series. Dragonmount has an interview with him.
(via /.)
I’m glad it will get done. It may be sacrilege, but I’m excited to have a fresh voice in the WOT universe. The series was RJ’s to finish, but his books became more and more self-involved as they progressed to the point of near unreadability in such gems as “Crossroads in Twilight.” I figure this guy will be good though, RJ’s wife has worked in the biz and been RJ’s editor for a while so you gotta trust he judgment.
Argh…I just don’t know. I don’t suppose it really matters who they choose. I don’t know why…really, I just want to know what happens to these people in the grand scheme. It’s all just a shame though…all those years of jokes about what would happen if he didn’t finish them.
One of my friends has been half-joking for years that Jordan better not pass away before finishing his series of books.
He nearly had a breakdown when I told him the news.
It could have been like Stephen King and the Dark Tower series. When he got into that car accident and almost died a great number of people said similar things. Then he went on to ruin the series with a trio of awful books and there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth. I personally have never read the series but from what TheMainEvent said it may have been time to pass the reigns to someone else anyway.
Hmm, I like some of the post-accident Dark Tower books. Of course (spoiler) those are where King begins to actually appear in them, so it clearly changed things.
Regardless, I would have preferred a bad Robert Jordan final book to a good non-Robert Jordan final book. Sadly that’s not an option, but I’m glad it’s getting finished.
Fear not! Zombie Robert Jordan will rise from the grave to finish the series! Some of the stylings will be different, and the new ending will have Rand eating all the Forsaken’s brains, but more or less, no other big changes.