A parody of the viral “Shoes” video about female zombies eating brains. Caught it at Ginohn‘s yesterday.
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Shoes killed my 3rd brain cell…but this video almost makes an effort to compensate for 20% of neurological function lost…
Anything with dancing zombies is known to be awesome.
Also, this has provided inspiration for me to want to run a Zombie Apocalypse RPG.
Since when have you not had inspiration to run a Zombie Apocalypse RPG?
… Okay, that’s true.
I’m always up for some undead skullsplitting, running in terror action.
But now I want to do it EVEN MORE.
EDIT: I found another interesting short zombie film: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3655465801474364288