Image Source: Done by Elmore, owned by WotC
The silliness with Wolfgang Baur will run it’s course shortly and I will return with more of my usual stuff. I’m home, on pain meds following a minor surgery so I’m a bit on the silly side lately. Please bear with me. Oddly enough, it’s quite an intersting study on Fluff vs Crunch for me. And no, the irony that a duel of Wits with Wolfgang is 100% fluff is not entirely lost on me.
So the gauntlet has been thrown between Mr. Baur and myself and the challenge was accepted.
Ve4Grm sent a salve on the Canada vs the US front. Very funny but let’s not forget that the objective is to Burn the Fluff House with our Crunch tech, regardless of supposedly geopolitical boundaries. Crunchers of the worlds unite!!
Here’s a little something to set the tone:
I tried to embed it in an earlier version of this post but it would have driven all the readers nuts! It plays every time the page loads!!!
Yup! told ya I was on meds!
Can someone help me dig up the Internet story about the D&D character that can throw things for 45 000 points of damage + 1d6 fire damage? I could use that one too.
I’m also digging for ‘you can do THAT with the rules?’ so I can see Wolfgang trying to wiggle out of these pearls of abusive Crunch with his Electro-Fluff cannons.
Maybe I’ll need help from Min Max?
I’ll return with my plan in the form of a list of links…. can’t wait to see what Fluff Meister will hatch on his side…
According to this I’m a Right Brain type of guy because she obviously spins Clockwise to me.
And Right brain is about:
uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
as opposed to:
uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
So technically I’m a Fluff guy. Huh…. go figure…. This is so going to become a series of post soon 🙂
Not MinMax. You need help from PunPun.
Pun Pun was a character build designed and tweaked by the Character Optimization forums that, upon reaching level 6, had the ability to give itself any class ability/feat, and the power to increase any of it’s scores to infinite. He has since then been tweaked down to level 3, then level 1. I believe he now stands as a concept of infinity in Dungeons & Dragons, it’s rules design, and the crowning mark of the CharOps forum.
Pun-Pun is a thought experiement that uses the Manipulate form ability of the Sarrukh to full effect. He is for all intents and purposes omnipotent.
Pun-Pun is one of the proofs that any system with sufficient rules will lead to inconsistencies.
Hmmm…. a commenter on Mr. Baur’s site as already voiced ‘outrage’ that he left Kobolds out in one of his monologues.
So if we could get the Kobolds in our camp, we could all train them to be like Pun Pun… in effect a whole race of godlike beings….
MWa Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
Thanks Ve4!
BTW I need to know where your handle comes from man!
It’s actually my ham Radio callsign.
Yes, that’s right, I have a ham radio license.
But as such, it’s been my login name and email account frequently, because nobody ever has it, and it’s identifiable as mine.
It’s not the only name you’ll see me around as, though. At most other places, I’ll be ShadoStahker. That’s really the only one I still use these days. But Blogger uses your gmail address, which for me is ve4grm.
This, the thing that you said spins clockwise…well, it spins both ways, smart guy. Just watch it for long enough and it reverses direction. It will go clockwise for a long while and then counter-clockwise for a long while, and then back again, over and over.
O RLY Tony?
I’ve watched it with 2 of my friends for ten minutes. The animation does not change. It never does, but the perception of it can. My pals see it change if they focus on the reflections of it’s feet and then return to the shadow.
I can’t see it change unless I focus on the reflection only. Once I return to the shadow, back to Clockwise it goes.
Oh and thanks for calling me smart! 🙂
Just so we’re clear on that: I said that it spins clockwise, according to my perception not that it does as a truism.
It actually does not spin, it’s a 2D animation that uses Optical trickery to make you believe it spins.
In fact, the direction that you perceive it spinning in depends on which leg you think is sticking out. If you see it as a girl with her right leg out (standing on her left leg), it will seem as though it’s spinning clockwise.
But look at the text of the article for a second, and try to perceive the girl as having her left leg out (standing on her right leg). She will look like she’s spinning counter-clockwise.
But it won’t look like she’s spinning counter-clockwise with her right leg out, because then her outstretched leg would be leading the spin, instead of trailing. And most peoples’ brains won’t let them see it that way.
While a neat optical illusion, and while there is possibly a trend among right/left people seeing it spin the other way initially, it definitely isn’t a scientific method, or even a consistent method, of delineating one from the other.
(By the way, I say look at the text of the article, because then the girl is at the edge of your vision. As such, you will run into less objections from your brain trying to visualise it going the other way.
If you just stare at the girl, it can be hard for your brain to switch directions. It will get harder the longer you stare at it, as your brain gets set in the pattern. Of course, some people will have an easier time than others.)
Pun-Pun’s Mount
Colossal Red Great Wyrm Dragon
HD 95d12+3515 (4132)
Speed 40′ fly 200′ (average)
AC 96 (+94 natural, -8 size) Touch 2, Flat 96
(AC 191 with Improved Combat Expertise, Touch 97, Flat 191)
STR 105 (+47) DEX 10(+0), CON 84(+37), INT 43(+16) WIS 44(+17) CHA 42 (+16)
FORT 86, REF 49, WILL 66
BAB 95, Grapple 158
SR 68
Frightful Presence Will Save 73
“• Immunity to Fire, vulnerability to Cold”
“• Locate Object (SP) 30/day”
“• Suggestion (SP) 3/day”
“• Find the Path (SP) 1/day”
“• Discern Location (SP) 1/day”
“• Caster Level 55 (w/ all cleric spells and the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains)”
Attack Bite +142 (4d8+47) [+47 (4d8+47) Imp. Expertise]
Full Attack
Bite +142 (4d8+47), 2 Claws +140 (4d6+23), 2 Wings +140 (2d8+23), and Tail Slap +140 (4d6+70)
2 Claws +135 (4d6+23), 2 Claws +130 (4d6+23), 2 Claws +125 (4d6+23), 2 Claws +120 (4d6+23), 2 Claws +115 (4d6+23)
Breath Weapon 70′ Cone of Fire 60d10 Ref 94 1d4-1 rounds to rebreath. And it’s a Tornado… 🙂
with all breath feats…(the Tactical Nuke option)
1d4+12 rounds to rebreath
Free action, 210′ radius spread from your head, 600 points, plus 300 points during second round,
and half damage on 2nd round to those who took dmaage on the 1st round.
( Example…. Fighter misses REF 94 save, takes 600 points.
Round 2, still in the area of effect, takes 300 additional from first failed save(clinging), and takes 300 during 2nd round from lingering effect. Round 3 takes 150 from 2nd failed save)
And it’s a Tornado… XD ( 600, 300, 300, 150..)
Improved Flight Your maneuverability class while flying improves by one-step (from clumsy to poor, poor to average, average to good, or good to perfect).
Improved Maneuverability Fly speed 150, Hover or Wingover Improve your maneuverability by 1 step, up to Good.
Hover Stop in midflight and then move in another direction at half speed or hover.
Wingover Change direction up to 180 degrees at a 10’ move.
Adroit Flyby Attack You can take a move action both before and after a standard attack action, and take no AoO from the opponent you attacked.
Power Climb You may gain altitude without the half speed penalty if flying in a straight line.
Power Dive Make a dive with an overrun attack to knock opponent prone and get an additional slam attack with +1.5 x Str bonus.
Combat Expertise Take penalty up to –5 on attack roll and add equivalent dodge bonus to AC.
Combat Expertise, Improved Take penalty up to BAB on attack roll and add equivalent dodge bonus to AC.
Improved Disarm No AoO on disarm attempt, and +4 bonus on the opposed attack roll you make.
Sunder +4 on attack roll against held object and double dmg.
Power Attack
Multi-Attack You secondary attacks take only a –2 penalty.
Rapidstrike You may attack again, at -5 penalty, with any specific natural weapon set.
Improved Rapidstrike You may attack up to 4 extra times with any specific natural weapon set, at an additional -5 penalty each time.
Shock Wave As a full-round action you may strike a solid object w/ your tail to create a shock wave that travels 5 x HD feet (475′) and knocks prone as with a bull rush.
Snatch Hit w/ claw or bite to start grapple, squeeze, or fling (up to 3 sizes smaller).
Improved Snatch You can snatch creatures up to two sizes smaller.
Snatch and Swallow If you begin your turn with an opponent in your mouth you may attempt another grapple check to swallow the opponent (freeing you from the obligations of grapple).
Multisnatch You take only a -10 penalty, rather than -20 to grapple with only one natural attack.
Draconic Knowledge Like Bardic Knowledge
Clinging Breath Do half dmg during a 2nd round to creatures that took dmg during the 1st round (+1 round to rebreath).
Lingering Breath Breath lingers in the area for 1 round doing half dmg (+2 rounds to rebreath).
Enlarge Breath Increase the length of your breath weapon by 50% (+1 round to rebreath).
Heighten Breath Increase the save DC on your breath weapon up to your CON bonus (+x round to rebreath).
Maximize Breath You maximize both dmg and length of effects of your primary breath weapon (+3 rounds to rebreath).
Quicken Breath Use your breath as a free action (+4 rounds to rebreath).
Recover Breath You may wait 1 round less to rebreath.
Shape Breath Change your line to a cone or cone to a line (+1 round to rebreath).
Spreading Breath Change your breath shape to a 35′ radius spread around your head (+2 rounds to rebreath). S 10, M 15, L 20, H 25, G 30, C 35.C
Extend Spreading Breath Add 140′ range to your spreading breath (+2 rounds to rebreath). S 40, M 60, L 80, H 100, G 120, C 140.
Tempest Breath Your breath affects creatures as a wind force of Tornado as well. See DMG pg 95.
Appraise 111
Balance 2
Bluff 111
Climb 94.5
Concentration 132
Craft () 16
Decipher Script 16
Diplomacy 115
Disable Device 63.5
Disguise 18
Escape Artist 0
Forgery 16
Gather Information 63.5
Handle Animal 16
Heal 17
Hide 0
Intimidate 113
Jump 144
Knowledge (Arcana) 111
Knowledge (Arch & Eng) 111
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 111
Knowledge (Religion) 111
Knowledge (The Planes) 111
Listen 112
Move Silently 47.5
Open Lock 47.5
Perform () 16
Profession 17
Ride 0
Search 113
Sense Motive 112
Sleight of Hand 2
Speak Language 20
Spellcraft 65.5
Spot 112
Survival 19
Swim 60
Tumble 49.5
Use Magic Device 16
Use Rope 0
Wow! Thanks John….
That must have been a lot of work to Crunch no pun(-pun) intended.
I really appreciate it…
NOW, We’ll take a few Dozens of those and see how the Fluff Master deals with that!!!
Mwa HA HA HA!!!!
What’s the CR of this thing? Nahhh forget I asked…
Although I do have the Figurine in my gaming room….