Image Source: Once again, RPGnet’s Forum.
My Fluff Nemesis, Master Wolfgang Baur, has found out about my nefarious plans to topple his empire of Fluff and has already started to maneuver to foil my mad Crunchy schemes!
Aside: Well, to be honest, I did tell him about the Nemesis thing, how fun is it to scheme when your blood enemy doesn’t even know about you?
To me, my Crunchy minions! He stole the treasures and the plans of my Lair of Crunch and I needed to retreat into the Secret cave of Tropes. Let’s storm, once again, his cloud Palace of Fluff and take our rightfully place as the hereditary Crunch Masters!
I need Crunchy plans that will overwhelm his fluffy defenses! I need huge quantities of Applied Phlebotinum and everything cool under the sun! I need Mooks, Power that Glows and Evil Overlords (Seth will kill me with all that over-linking, he he)!
This is fun!
Dubious attempt at creating an ARG aside, Wolfgang Baur is a very accessible and extremely talented D&D professional (no matter my current personal tastes). He pilots a tons of projects and delivered a large amount of quality material in the last few years. The sheer fact that he acknowledge the existence of this here Igloo-dweling DM is testament to his nice guy attitude (heck he read my critics and he stills went with the joke!).
Aside the second: Is that enough to get the lawyers off my Back Mr. Baur? 🙂
So please take a few minutes to see what he’s doing:
The Open Design project:
Quite possibly the coolest model for D&D adventure creations. Wolfgang gets a bunch of patron to pitch in something like 30$ US (a good deal for Canucks, the CDN$ sits at 1,02 while writing this) to create a fully fledged Adventure product, complete with maps and art! On top of everything, you get to participate in the decisions that shape the product as it is being created. It’s Renaissance meets Geekyness! I can’t wait to get my hands on my copy of The Empire of Ghouls! It’s also the last week to join his next project!
Wolfgang’s Blog:
Follow the fiendish machinations of the Fluff Master himself! Please report any signs of retaliation! I’ll be ready for him!
Kobold Quartely:
A small magazine that rose from under the corpse of the slain Dragon of Paizo. Covers our favorite RPG and has attracted some star writers I heard.
Now I need to run back in the cave and continue plotting his downfall! Any help is welcome! Mwa Ha Ha Ha!
Not only is our money worth more, it’s not all boring green. You can tell what a bill is worth from a distance!
And the coins! The cooiiiiiinnnnss!!!!
Hey! I like crunch //and// fluff, in equal measure.
Damn. I’ve just become Canada.
Hmmm… So if I read between the lines, I have to stage the next assault using mild mannered Canadian minions armed with Looney and Twooney throwers… 🙂
Do go on…
Hehe, I’m in!
We can take the land up to the White House again!
How much of this are you going to cover on your blog, it should be pretty awesome.
I shall post on this when I get enough broken rules together to mount another attack…. or whenever my inner Evil Overlordness takes over…
I left a few comments already on his blog… I’m JagDell on LJ.
What, you mean Pun-Pun isn’t enough broken (well, bent) rules on his own?
Oh Pun-Pun is great, so is the 30-headed Tarasque and the Half-Ogre, WarHulk/Hulking Hurler build… 🙂
I just want to join a tongue-in-cheek post on assaulting Wolfgang’s Fluff Stronghold with a ‘things not to allow just because they are in the rules’ post…