I’ll just get it out there right now, I was reading Kanye West’s Blog. Please don’t have any a heartattack yet, but if you haven’t heard his new album Graduation yet you definitely should and then you might understand. The music video here isn’t one of his, though his newest one does have some awesome live-action Akira homages in it, it’s actually a music video for a Louis Vuitton bag (PLEASE stay with me here) done by the very cool Takashi Murakami:
The music and visuals have pretty much mesmerized me, and so I have to watch it every day or so just to satiate some portion of my brain. Here’s a youtube in which you can learn a bit about Murakami and his artwork, etc:
Who the hell is Kanye West and what does he have to do with Louis Vuitton bags?
Also, that short was actually very entertaining in many disturbing aways.
Kanye is a producer / rapper that is pretty damn pretentious and acts very full of himself even outside of the public eye. Before a month ago I hated him, but knew that he had written/produced some really good music (better than any other hip-hop, not that that is very hard) and I really enjoyed some of his music. I bought his newest cd at the behest of a friend of mine who I really trust musically, and it really is fantastic.
Also lately, meaning the last two weeks, Kanye was on Saturday Night Live, awards shows, and has this blog where he seems to be working to improve his public image and to stop the idea that he’s just a big dick who makes good music. What he has to do with Louis Vuitton is not much as far as I know, other then that he really likes fashion stuff, and anime, and posts about them on his blog.
Its got a really alice in wonderland feel to the video doesnt it?
and i have to say, this video pinpoints one my deepest fears, being eaten alive by a giant japanese anime creature that appears cute a cuddly… thats how they get you!