Just a neat dice stacking video, of which there are many on YouTube. This particular one recommended by Boingboing.
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Never thought of doing that…I just stack my dice as high as I can…
One day I’ll figure our how to put d4s on top of eachother!…
Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous.
I’m rather curious about the properties of the cup he’s using, because you damn well know I’m going to try this now and I just foresee the dice spilling out of the cup far from neatly stacked.
I will raise it one level higher though, and ONLY use d4’s. A high injury rate is assured!
I read in the comments of where I originally found the video that he’s using a special dice stacking cup with specific contours and texture.
Hate to say it but its a good fake.
I didnt notice it till the 5×4 stacking part… theres no way he can STOP moving the cup, move the cup vertical and still keep the dice in the cup.
They had me till that part, but sorry Laws of Gravity say.. you lose
It was pretty well picked over for fakeness. There are some really good edited ones, but people in the know seemed to be pretty convinced about this one. If you notice, he never brings the cup straight up, he’s always holding it an angle and cradling it against the edge of the cup. The contours inside probably help that too.
Yes, I noted in the video that whenever he stacks a row, he violently throws them against one side of the cup. I’m going to guess that the interior is a much less rounded space than a normal cup and he uses the angular momentum of the dice to stack them. We are never shown the interior of the cup, though.
I imagine it must still be pretty hard to go that fast and make sure the straighter edges of the interior are lined up correctly. Get caught on a rounded corner, and the stacking could end up precarious.
You’ll notice at least one time his stack isn’t perfectly straight.
Oh, and I used the angular momentum of your mom to stack her!