Image Source: Mille Bornes! (What? You never played that game???)
This here blog thingnie hit the 100 unique visitor’s in a day mark for the 1st time yesterday at midnight.
And that was before Martin’s shout-out this morning (Thanks so much, it means a lot to me)!
I might as well spend a few lines to talk about where I want to go from here.
I wrote an insane number of posts in September and I know I won’t be able to keep up. Heck I don’t know if you, dear readers, can keep up!
I’d love to keep at least a 1 post a day schedule and would maybe take one day off on Wednesdays which is, so far, the lowest point of the week traffic-wise. (My lab is being audited tomorrow, don’t expect anything since I’m the lab’s quality guy).
I plan on concluding the 4-stages series this week or the next. I’d also like to re-edit them and create a PDF for it as I have already had 1 indication of interest. I could host it on the GM Google group I created or have a nice soul host it for me on a GM-site like Treasure Table or Dungeonmastering.
I’ll continue the Adventure Preps, DM Logs and RPG Tropes series because I’m having a blast writing those. Also, now that Yan has tasted the joys of Feedback, I’m confident I can count on him to continue writing the players logs. (You really rock man. I knew you could do it!)
I’d also like to tackle another series project after the 4-stages thing. I’d like to discuss the concepts of awesome DMing and playing practices side by side with those of Emotional Intelligence. I feel there is a gold mine to explore there also. All in the lighthearted but-not-dumbed-down approach I hope I have been able to achieve.
I’m also having a ball jumping between the Fluff and Crunch subjects (and I see I’m not alone also) but I don’t see those as features or series yet. Expect more!
I keep doing this because I have been receiving absolutely phenomenal feedback from you and the rising numbers of readers who don’t necessarily drop comments seems to indicate that I’m doing okay so far. Feel free to suggest subjects or issues to tackle. I’ll try to rise to the challenge!
Thanks again!
Keep up the good work! Believe me, if you keep up the rate of your posting, you’ll see your numbers go up way higher than that…
I agree. Posting regularly and often works. Regularly is more important than often but they work best together.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks guys. As long as I’m having fun I’ll keep posting. I’m nowhere near tapped out… ๐
You’re most welcome, Phil! You’ve got a good thing going here, and I was happy to share it. ๐
On the subject of posting frequency and regularity, Yax is right: regularity trumps frequency, but both is better still. TT really starting hitting its stride when I committed to (and stuck to) one post a day.
Heck, I’m having a good time. ๐
Thanks Martin and Noah! Rock on!
I’m Chaotic Evil Half-Fiend Half-Orc Monk.
Hmm, i should take up being a DM, that way i get to play the villain.
I took the quiz when I first read the post, but didn’t post.
I believe I was a Lawful Good Half-Orc Cleric.