With Transformers already out and Voltron being fast-tracked, is that the end of movie remakes of 80’s tv shows about giant robots?
No, of course not: not while Robotech lies untapped. In a few years, we’ll see a Hollywood version of the classic anime turned American tv show turned book series turned RPG (or whatever the hell the order actually was.) As the article states, Tobey Maguire is currently in talks to star, which probably means he’s going to be ace pilot Rick Hunter. My predictions: Minmay will no longer be Asian and be called simply “May” and be a teen starlet played by Jessica Alba. Also starring Ving Rhames as “Protoculture.”
(Thanks to The Main Event for the scoop)
Obviously protoculture would be black… and because its Hollywood… and because there is already a fight robot precedent… protoculture will die.
May… you’ve got to go out there and sing your damn ass off. It’s the only way to beat those Zentradi bastards…
I can’t do it without you, Protoculture! Don’t die on me!
You never needed me… the song was always within you…
Noooo, protoculture!
Meanwhile, on the bridge…
I have had it with these motherfucking battlepods on this motherfucking superdimensional fortress!
I smell script deal…
Don’t forget about Evangelion, which has been in pre-production for quite a while and all we’ve seen is some early concept work by Weta. I imagine with Transformers’ success, and the release of Rebuild of Evangelion at the beginning of September, that the live action version will be fast-tracked pretty soon. Lord knows how it will turn out though…
Oh God, please do not put out live action Evangelion. I’m nervous enough about DBZ… though I STILL maintain if they do the Vegeta/Goku relationship well it could be good.
At least the inspiration for Evangelion is a good cartoon, comparatively Dragonball Z doesn’t stand up to it at all.
Oh God, let’s not get into DBZ v. Evangelion… I’ll admit that Evangelion is certainly a more ambitious cartoon…