The usual, there may be some spoilers!
Batman #668: A perfect blend of murder mystery, Morrison trademark characterization, and Batman being badass. And JH Williams, as always, does amazing panel layouts.
Black Summer #2: While it doesn’t have any hints of a deeper mystery like the last issue, it does have some action, and another flashback where Ellis explains how modern science could give people superpowers, and it’s awesome.
Blue Beetle #18: Damn this has become a good comic. Best appearance of the Teen Titans I’ve seen in a while, and BB’s “sidekicks” continue to be great too.
Green Lantern Corps #15: The whole “lethal force” thing is still kind of irksome since it doesn’t make sense, but overall, the Sinestro War stuff has been awesome. The Green Lanterns put too many eggs in Mogo, and come face to face with the Sinestro version, which is a villain from a previous issue recruited. Good stuff.
Immortal Iron Fist #8: Kung-Fu battles between the Seven Capitals of Heaven to determine who shall have dominance over the Earth in the Celestial Clockwork!!!!
The Order #2: Definitely an heir to X-Statix, with it’s own media-world vibe to it, perfect for the LA setting.
Thunderbolts #116: The best parts are Ellis’s modern parallels: airport scanners that test for superpowers snf “Who Wants to be a Superhero- Captain America Edition.”
Wolverine #56: A really good one off issue with a badass Wolverine… but not with his claws, with his other weapons…
Amazing Spiderman #543: Actually, JMS is doing a pretty good job at bringing back the kind of stories that old school Spiderman was known for, where he has to deal with real issues. But it’s still not all that interesting or new to read.
Annihilation Conquest Starlord #2: I missed the first issue of this, which apparently gathered together a number of the more “interesting” outer space characters out there, including Rocket Raccoon. Here they infiltrate a Phalanx base, and spend the issue there. Looking forward to seeing where this goes, but it just seemed to not go anywhere.
Astonishing X-Men #22: This second half of Whedon’s arc (almost at a close) has a consistent problem where I get totally lost if I miss an issue. Still made somewhat enjoyable by Wolverine and Beast dialogue, and Cyclops getting to do something fun.
Cable Wolverine & Deadpool #44: Not bad, but not quite as funny as some of the other issues have been, and a fairly predictable way to resolve things, though the last page looks like it could be a chance for more craziness…
Green Arrow Year One #4: Great art, and it does fit in as a solid origin story, but also doesn’t do anything particularly impressive.
Invincible #45: If there’s any book that needs to be read in a large a collection as possible, it’s this one.
Iron Man #21: Well, at least we know now who’s in the superteam of Nebraska! Not a bad little issue that shows the overworked day of the director of SHIELD, especially when his archvillain is coming back (in time for his movie.)
Outsiders Five of a Kind Aquaman and Metamorpho: Mostly the issue operated as a backstory on Metamorpho, and Aquaman being only (sorta) useful when plunged into an underwater river. Aquaman being on the Outsiders would be cool, but it looks like that’s not happening.
Sensational Spiderman #40: Spiderman meets God! Wha? Yeah. (The artwork’s good, though)
Superman #666: Sort of like a worse version of “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” with demons and stuff.
Batman/Lobo Dead Serious #1: As much as I love Sam Kieth’s artwork, it couldn’t save this story that just went around in circles and had boring characters… and that’s really unfortunate when talking about a Batman/Lobo teamup.
Countdown #36: Come on now, Karate Kid beating Doomsday? And that’s the least of this issue’s problems. (As an aside… WE GET IT. PIED PIPER IS GAY.)
JSA Classified #29: For one of the smartest men in the world, Mr. Terrific sure does get duped easily. (Also, have to assume that this is all pre-Checkmate.)
The Iron Fist issue was great; somehow they took an idea that has been done to death and packaged it in an exciting manner. Considering how this tournament is supposedly going to work, with the deaths of countless immortal weapons, I still viewed the respective champions as unique and formidable opponents, nothing like the throw-aways many are bound to be.