Wired has a funny article up about the winners of a recent contest sponsored by Doritos to pitch games for Xbox Live Arcade. The kind of games selected are hilarious by themselves, but the article goes the extra distance of mocking them. A friend of mine entered a few ideas into the contest, mistaking it for a genuine competition about clever gameplay, when in fact it turned out to be a contest for who can come up with the most ridiculous product placement for Doritos and call it a game.
In other news, we need a better category name than “MiniPosts” to describe these short articles, as it is important to the new Critical Hits 4.5e, coming soon. Any suggestions for what to call these pint-sized posts?
Critical Threats?
Critical Failures?
Mission Critical Statements?
Condition Critical Newsbreaks?
I’m done.
In case you hadn’t noticed, Critical Threats is already taken by my weekly game design column.
How about Quick Draw?
I like Quick Draw… or maybe Swift Action? Do I have to worry about being 4e forwards compatible? 🙂
Critical Bits?
Spring Attacks, Whirlwind Attacks, Cleaves, Power Attacks? Let’s delve the depths of D&D jargon that we can mine from!
Critical Bits is perfect… we have a winner!
articles of opportuni…ohh
dang, critical bits FTW!
Attacks (or Articles) of Opportunity is a great suggestion, but I think we all like Critical Bits. I am a bit critical of our decision, critical though it may be, of using the word ‘critical’ a bit too much?