I don’t think we’ve ever actually done one of these “meme”s before, but SciFiChick tagged us and we’re not the types to just let that fly by. It doesn’t hurt that the meme is actually about tips on blogging and it’s created by bloggers as they pass them on. In essence, I like it because it is actually quite handy, and it makes amazing use of the meme style to propogate not only people’s sites but also their good ideas.
I also just noticed that we have had an entire category titled ‘Web Meme’ for a while…what the hell? That worked out well for me.
-Start Copy-
It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)
Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general.
After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!
Just think- if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!
1. Look, read, and learn. ***
2. Be EXCELLENT to each other. *
3. Don’t let money change ya! *
4. Always reply to your comments. ****
5. Link liberally — it keeps you and your friends afloat in the Sea of Technorati. *
6. Don’t give up – persistance is fertile. **
7. Give link credit where credit is due. ***
8. Pictures say a thousand words and can usually add to any post.*
9. Keep writing, no matter what, and the quality will follow.
-End Copy-
I will take the liberty of tagging Andrew the O, Steve over at the Foodist Blog, Denise at her Knitting/Crochet blog, Spankleberry at Spankledelia, Anna at Cookie Madness, Amber Night just to piss her off, Nyeng!, Yehuda from Gaming and Blogging in the Holy Land, and not that I expect him to do it but I always want more ideas out of David Airey’s brain. Consider yourselves tagged, and let the infectiousness of the internet rule all!
Thanks for keepin’ the meme alive! GL in the future!
Gauntlet thrown, Gauntlet picked up..
and might I add, damn you sir.. damn you to meme hell
oh something has come up rather drastic in the food world, so I might be a little slow posting this damn meme.. but fear not, I never sway from a challenge!
If it looks like a chain letter, and it smells like a chain letter…
Thanks for participating!
Justin- It’s not a chainletter; you pass it on to peoplpe to gain extra links.
You pass on chain letters to gain extra luck or charisma or sex!
Wow guys let’s just be complete dicks to everyone and everything that shows up here? I feel I explained enough in the first paragraph, though it is very much the same as a chain letter, rather then simply promising luck or wealth or sex this one actually spreads good advice and tips amongst the people who need and use it.
I don’t know if I have 10 people to link to, but I’ll do it. 🙂
Psh, I only tagged 9 and that is a lot more then I initially had until I decided to add people even if I didn’t think they’d do it.