Dave asked everyone last week what you thought of Game Awards and it looks like the majority (26%) never even look at them, with the next largest group (23%) seeing awards sometimes but not caring who wins. I fall mostly into the latter group as I never really care much who has won the award, but I definitely like Game Awards because it’s a great way for products to be recognized by the industry and to give something back to the creators who slave away on these things.
This week I’d love to know if you guys are reading comics these days, and if so what you tend to read.
Should I vote for DC if i read vertigo (i don’t read any DC main line books though)?
Yea Vertigo and other imprints count as their parent company here, so Vertigo counts as DC.
thanks for the clarification.
I read 100 bullets, DMZ, and some of the other Vertigo stuff often, but specifically in Trade paperback form. I refuse to buy individual issues — I can’t stand the intermix of advertisements between the story pages (especially when the adds actually compete with the art for my attention).
I don’t know about other folks, but I tend to follow writers or artists I like, regardless of where they end up or what titles they work on.
Brian Michael Bendis
Warren Ellis
Mike Mignola
Alan Moore
That’s what I read. Whither they go, there go I.
I’ve never read any actual comics (well, aside from a few issues of Sandman)…but I absolutely love *-Bit Theater…
Maybe there should be a web-comic option…
Oops…capitalized the 8…
Has anyone seen DC solicitations for the billion countdown spin offs? It makes me woozy.
Are you suprised? They see Marvel doing pre-civil war, civil war, and post civil war and THEN pimping Hulk WAR after some pre-hulk war stuff and there will no doubt be post hulk war stuff. All of which is an aftermath of the Hulk OUT IN SPACE OMFGWTF run that was actually really cool for 3 issues until it started having more continuity and fluff then 500 issues of Spiderman. It’s pretty much junk these days, which you have to sift through to find the gold nuggets and brush off all the advertising just to see it.
Not Junk Titles:
Fables, Ex Machina, Y: The Last Man, DMZ, X-Factor, Checkmate, Runaways, Thunderbolts, Iron Fist, JSA (when not forced into a shitty crossover)…
And the new Green Lanteren event, Sinestro Corps, looks to be awesome. The One Shot was fantastic.