Presented for your approval: Two Star Wars fan videos. The first a short film called Jedi Breakfast, the second called “Three in the Afternoon.” Both will make you think about where you put your lightsaber. Or something. Be sure to check out Robot Chicken’s Star Wars Special this Sunday, and keep an eye out for a Family Guy episode that parodies the entire movie with Family Guy characters.
What, no comments yet? Guess Someone should at lest say, good post.
They were quick, and they were well done, this is the kind of fan fiction I love. Stuff that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
sorry if you’ve already seen it.
Ha ha ha… that’s great. I’ve seen the Three in the Afternoon (and it’s sequels, which are also cool), but I’d never seen the Jedi Breakfast before. Nicely done.
Jeff´s last post: Are all 3-year-olds like this?