Last week, we asked what spring/summer movie you were most looking forward to. Maybe it’s because it’s coming up so soon, but the majority of you picked Spiderman 3. We’ll find out soon enough if it is worth all the hype- and we’ll be sure to ask you what you thought of it after it happens. Coming in tied for second is the next installment of the Harry Potter franchise and many years in the making Simpsons Movie. All the movies listed I’m interested in seeing, but we’ll see how many get me out to the theaters and how many I wait for DVD.
We’ll leave the poll up in case other people come across to enter, and to continue our spam-fighting experiments. Instead, we’ll present you with a question for which I couldn’t list all the possibilities:
What book (or books, or comics) are you currently reading?
I’m currently embroiled in finals, which is taking up a lot of my free reading time. For class, I’m working on Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father”, which I’d like better if it weren’t over 400 pages. When I get tired of reading about race issues in America and beyond, I’m slowly making my way back through Terry Pratchett’s “Maskerade”.
And of course I’m keeping up on all the comics, but haven’t had time to work on reviews for them. I will say that I was very disappointed with DC’s “World War 3”, but am enjoying the closing issues of “52”, which finishes this week.
How about you? What are you reading, for fun, for school, for work, for whatever?
Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates alongside The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. Woot.
God Emporer of Dune, as much as the later books have deviated from the greatness that was the original Dune, I still love Herbert’s style of writing and I can breeze through it faster than any other author.
Before this I finished reading Brunelleschi’s Dome, and after I will most likely dive into A Scanner Darkly.
The Art of Happiness, and next up will probably be either Reach of a chef, Heat, or some other culinary type book.
Constitutional Law, Examples & Explanations of Constitutionl Law, The Empty State and Nobody’s Market…
Scanderbeg (a book about Albania’s national hero), TheMainEvent’s book, and A Storm of Swords
Currently reading: Nothing.
Soon To Be Reading: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution. Sherlock Holmes, World War I, Cocaine Addictions, and Sigmund Freud. Nothing Better.
Destruction of the Books, by Mel Odom
A handful of X-Men titles, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Teen Titans, etc..
Maybe it’s my browser here at work (IE), but the pic above has scrunched the first lines of text over.. and it’s not readable. Just thought I’d let you know!