At the behest of one Scott Kurtz we have created this week’s comic, yes that’s right I say we because Dave had as much a helping hand in this one as I did. Hazzah collaboration! We have taken a slight alteration to it, of course, and featured my beautiful new kitteh as well. The praying cat and popular “Dear God” line has now taken on new meaning as Kurtz and other bloggers and webcomic artists take to spreading the word. What happened is apparently that an artist by the name of Todd Goldman had an exhibition of his artwork in a gallery and someone noticed a piece stunningly similar to a simple comic from 2001 done by Dave Kelly.
What Kurtz began in a comic, we continue now in hopes of further spreading the word that plagiarism shall not profit anyone. There are the typical people claiming that it may be an overreaction, but when two images are overlayed and it becomes painfully clear that one was most likely traced from the original, insult compounds upon injury. I suppose some people just don’t have the time to re-draw and re-interpret a piece of artwork that they admire or really enjoy, in such a circumstance one must resort to the tried-and-true method of overlap and cease original thought.
Coming from a professional world where nearly everything you do is based upon precedent, I’ve learned the long and arduous way that you only really create something by taking other’s ideas and applying your own unique vision upon them. The extent of this may differ by example, but the core of it remains the same. The result could be far from the original, but true genius can be seen in a fantastic invention grounded in the beauty of pre-concieved notions. There are no new ideas, simply new combinations of old ideas.
Okay, maybe there are a few rare new ideas, but they’re like one-in-a-million.
Nice. I don’t want them to die, though… just be embarrassed by bladder-control issues during their own wedding ceremonies.