On rare occasions, work that I complete in classroom studies becomes worth recommending to others. This is one such occasion. Scott McCloud, a writer and scholar of comics, released a black and white graphic novel entitled Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art in 1993. Within the pages, McCloud guides the reader through a thorough understanding of how comics work, why they are an important medium, and why you should never refer to them as “just comics.”
So, why should you read it?
First of all, for you folks who do not like comics, this graphic novel might be just what the doctor ordered. You skeptics out there who do not believe comics are a significant medium or form of literature are sorely mistaken. But, you do not have to take my word for it. Just read McCloud’s novel! At the very least, you will likely develop some respect for the comic book.
For you fans of comics, this graphic novel may work as a key for you. There is magic within the pages of a comic book. Magic beyond what you may uncover by your own exploration. McCloud will show you the hidden benefits of comics. He also explains how they intuitively demand more from their audience than any other form of media. Sound like a stretch? It is not! If you want to know more, pick up a copy of McCloud’s novel today.
But, it’s a comic, I don’t want to read a comic.
I saw Mccloud at SPX last year. He is a very interesting man, but in many ways I feel like he is stuck in the true academian circut: intelectual thought for the purpose of that thought alone. This isn’t a bad thing, but at the end of the day, what is all the analysis for? In the talk he gave at SPX, he seemed to be trying to figure that out…
no dissagreement though: it is a very good read (book or comic or otherwise).
In my profession, as a future high school English teacher, his analysis is a great thing. It validates my ability to allow students to read graphic novels for independent reading or outside of class assignments.