While making fun of Dave has become status quo for me, laying on thick while he’s out of town is not exactly beneath me. The original plan was to have a whole new banner at the top of the page for the whole week, but he has complete control of that. Since I’m not the sort to do much “planning ahead”, as you might call it, that idea fell by the wayside. At this point you may be wandering, “Why praytell is the blob wearing a silly hat?” Why, of course, because he’s french? Maybe it’s because he spends his spare time philosophising about the intricacies of what makes a game art or not? Even what makes art itself art or not? These prissy things demand some form of public branding, which we see here in the form of a beret (silly hat).
I believe Dave has actually used the above line on girls before, and just a few weeks ago I witnessed its rare success, however it was followed by his uncanny luck that the girl held in tow her boyfriend. It was perhaps the most subtle of boyfriend bombs (see here for definition), of which Dave is our resident expert and target, as she really never dropped it and instead let it slowly tick away and detonate on its own taking the whole party of single guys with it. There is always a certain kind of girl who is so incredibly nice that you can’t even get angry at her for unknowingly nuking your affections into the startosphere, but we rest assured that there is a particular level of heaven reserved for their kind. This level consists of angels approaching, talking about their wings, and then either subtley or blatantly informing the nice girl that she can’t have wings and shall have to find her own somehow. All things balance out in the end.
It’s the ying to her yang, the Agent Smith to her Neo, the Philip Bazin to her Darkhawk, or the 18 year old girl to her R. Kelly.
It’s the cerebralshrike to analogy…