Just some brief notes on games I’ve played. Feel free to look these up on Boardgamegeek.
Covert Action: Jake’s game is getting close to print, and it looks great.
Kutschefahrt: An adlung-spiele card game that kind of reminds me of a game of ours in development, only with fantasy instead of cowboys.
Space Dealer: This “real time strategy” science fiction board game is almost everything I was hoping for, and definitely will be a top prize table pick.
Yspahan: Very german.
Factory Fun: Puzzle in boardgame form, with some fun aspects of running piping arond a factory floor.
On the Underground: A game about laying track on the London underground subway. Makes me want to finish designing my own subway game, because this one was somewhat painful and I won when I shouldn’t have.
Zooloretto: An upgrade to Coloretto that might be worth picking up.
Tavula: One of my favorites of the new releases that uses tile laying to make a neat 3d map.
Tales of the Arabian Nights: My top pick of The Gathering. An adventure game of the highest caliber that I didn’t mind spending many hours involved in (and losing.) Hopefully I can get this one somehow, or it gets reprinted.
I also played a Magic 9th edition draft and made it into 3rd place out of 24. Disappointing that I didn’t go the distance as I am more and more convinced that manascrew ruins the game, but I had a fun time and thought I did well.
And of course, the main draw of The Gathering is actually the people, but I’ll talk about some of them later… right now it’s 4:18, and I must get some sleep before tomorrow night’s Loopin’ Louie tournament.
“Kutschefahrt: An adlung-spiele card game that kind of reminds me of a game of ours in development, only with fantasy instead of cowboys.”…and it has fart in the title ::Peter Griffen-esque giggle::
I played Yspahan last thursday night, was really fun game about building in different districts, getting on caravans, and all that excellent Arabian type stuff!
Dave has fantasies about cowboys ALL the time!