A quickie for this week, which disheartens me because of the last two weeks missed, bringing my tally for the year to -3 comics from the goal. I keep not illusions of necessarily ending the year in the positive, simply an improvement over last year will suit me well enough, but I wouldn’t have set the goal if I didn’t want to accomplish it. The thing we sometimes call ‘real life’ craps all over my shite sometimes, but I had a not-so mysterious revelation two weeks ago. When I was frustrated and emotional about life, I got to work and took 5 minutes to write up a quick post on here and share something I’d found, then to great bravado I found that simply writing anything on here had made me feel 5x better. Suddenly the clouds parted, light shone down, and the tiny light-bulb that often glitters but rarely shines took alight. I had realized my motivations for continuing with Critical Hits no matter what was happening in life at the time, it’s because I truly enjoy doing it. I feel that I get more out of it then ever could have been expected, and I hope in the future you all may get as much out of it as I do somehow.
Some insight into the creative process would reveal that this comic simply fell, much like a lemming would, into my head from a great height. Somewhere between the all-too-comfy bed and the delicious morning shower I caught it, and like a parasitic fish clinging to the rear of a hippopotamus it remained, until in the shower I remembered it. I suppose the original thought was, if Nostradamus could see the World Trade Center disaster happening, did he not also predict the ‘Pandemic of Wii’ ? I have not yet read up on his teachings, foretellings, or popcorn vision whatevers, because I take to reading fiction so that I may avoid peering into the slobbering maw of destiny. At the very most I’ll read the newspaper, about events that happened yesterday, but even that can get too current for me. However if that paper even thinks about using words like prediction, forecast, or prestidigitation I create a cartoon-esque human-shaped cutout in the nearest wall and run for my life. Horoscopes are cool, because I know there’s an old lady with glasses sitting in a room who just kind of makes that shit up. She’s cool by me.
Nostradamus really did wear funny hats, and it was from what I can glean a constant. It also looks like he never changed clothes nor shaved, which makes one wonder why none of his friends spoke up and said, “Hey, Nostry, we dig the hat and all, but why not give the black coat a break?” Oh, and if you have ever wondered what a Buddha Ninja would look like, I suggest checking this out!
The hats were used to hide the time travel device he used to make such accurate prognostications…