Last week’s poll asked you what you thought about men without shirts tossing elephants off cliffs. It was a close race, with ” Very good” pulling slightly ahead of “Awesome!” and those of you who didn’t like it are few and far between. Of course, this isn’t a scientific poll, probably people searching for the movie because they liked it found the poll and voted accordingly. However, I think it’s safe to say that a lot of people who like RPGs, games, and comics find something to like about 300.
Now, for a poll that is completely scientifically accurate. Many of you are aware that in comics recently, Captain America was killed within the pages of his own book. While Marvel’s editorial staff insists that he’s going to stay dead forever, dead has a way of not meaning dead when it comes to comics. The last “high-profile” comic death was Superman, who was dead for only a few months. Before that, the second kid to wear the Robin costume for Batman was killed thanks to the people at home hating him, but recently, even he has returned as the vigilante Red Hood. The list of characters goes on and on (though of course some characters have had resurrections that lead to great stories.)
Submitted for your opinion. A list of characters who, in one way or another, consistently defy the grave. You have supreme editorial mandate. You can kill off one of these characters for good, and they will never be back to annoy you. Which one would you off, and why?
Wolvie, simply for the reason that now Marvel continuity has made it so that nothing in possibility could ever kill him. Ever. A character like that just becomes boring to me, so DEATH!
Marvel also used to perpetuate the saying, “dead as Bucky” as the way of saying someone was never coming back. Well now they’ve even done that, congrats to the House of Ideas for finally running out of them. (I kid, they still have -some- but not many)
Why the hell would you put Catelyn Stark up there? (If the answer involves spoiling either A Storm of Swords or A Feast for Crows, refrain from answering please since I’m only partly through the beginning of the former)
Because it’s funny. Keep reading all the books to find out why. 🙂
Nice spoiler tag assholes. (SPOILERZ AHEAD)
Anyway, I’d say keep Captain Kirk dead because he’s really completely dead and in a universe with at least some mainline control of the property. The same is true of Rand, but I’m sure there’s some sneaky way to fufill the prophecy and keep him alive in some form.
–> As for Zombie Brains Stark, her ressurrection is hilarious and makes sense considering that the Brother without Banners were initially sent out by her also-dead husband. So, Barristan the Bold giving up his form of ‘immortality’ for Catelyns sake makes sense.
–> As for comic characters, they can never stay dead because their only value is in their existence, so I try not to waste much time praying for the death of the balefire total erasure of Aqualad or whatnot.
Just kill superman and be D O N E with it. How many times do you have to kill the man already?
The world doesnt need immortal supermen..
Captain Kirk didn’t really die, he’s in the floating happy-dimension. As was proved with Guinan, he gets to live forever in there, and could possible be pulled out.
And according to current DC Lore, Superman lives at least until the year 853,000.
No all of the above option?
I picked Wolverine, mostly because I don’t like his character all that much.
I love Drizzt…it makes me sad tat so many of you want him dead…
Yea I’m kind of confused by that too, especially when compared to Kirk?
A lot of people think he represents the “uber-munchkin” D&D character, and so would be more than willing never to deal with him (and the multitude of knockoff characters) ever again. That’s why I put him on the list. I considered Elminster too, but I thought Drizzt had a better chance of drawing hate.
For what it’s worth, I voted for Rand.
Holy f’ing god who cheated?
24 fake votes for Supes between 5:50 and 5:53 this morning.
If Rand died then the series would end. Mercifully. I just can’t wait until book, uh, 12(?) is released. When all of those plot-lines that I can’t seem to remember are….not resolved….again. Awesome.