Thanks to TheMainEvent, who showed me this excellent news. Apparently in a trailer for 300 (which I’ll be seeing tonight around 8:15) there is a hidden image of some importance. The image appears at 1 minute 52 seconds (3:38 in reverse time) into the youtube uncut and extended trailer.
Yep, that’s right! It’s pretty much unmistakable as Rorschach from the Watchmen comic.
The image seems to be of Rorshach… a major character from WATCHMEN, Zach Snyder’s next project. Although – there seems to be some question about whether or not that image is genuine.
Well, I guarantee you it is. At Butt-Numb-A-Thon, Zach let me have a peek at his iPod, where that image was stored at the time, with a good deal more images, that I didn’t get a peek at. After BNAT – I asked Zach if I could have a copy of that image for my personal desktop, and Zach being the sweetheart he is, gave in – asking that I not post it, til a later date. Given he’s snuck the image onto YouTube, I guess he won’t mind if I give y’all a better peek.
(via Aintitcool news)
You can see the high-res, excellent quality image at aintitcool – here. What this better quality image provides is a clearer look at the classic Watchmen badge on Rorschach’s coat, which pretty much eliminates ANY doubt (if you still had any at this point). Don’t get too excited, this is just one of the test shots that the director has done in preparation for the film, but still it’s pretty bad ass, and very cool of him to sneak it in there.
Note – skip to when the counter says 3:38 to see the image in the youtube above.