If you haven’t heard of this game yet, it is a new RTS game coming out later this month from Gas Powered Games (the people who brought us Dungeon Seige) that promises to be the revolution of the genre. It features (very) large and small scale battles with mechs, tanks, and ships (maybe planes?). The Demo was just released around 12:30 this afternoon so get it while it’s hot!
Edit: You can read Joshxorfz’s review of the demo here.
From the game’s website:
Set in the 37th century, Supreme Commander signals the next evolution in the RTS genre by being the first strategy game to deliver a truly strategic and tactical experience. You direct one of three warring human factions, the Aeon Illuminate, the Cybran Nation or the United Earth Federation, as their Supreme Commander, the ultimate power on the battlefield.
You can download the demo from FilePlanet, or from FileShack if you aren’t a subscriber or don’t feel like waiting until you’re dead to play it (thanks Abey), and if you do we welcome all comments and observations about the game!
Poops his pants obediently.
doesn’t have horrendous wait times for non-subscribers.
I have it and played it a bit before class this morning. It shows promise but I will post more in depth later!