Last week we asked about what you would give up in order to get some powers and recognition. By a wide majority, most people said that they’d easily give up having a home planet if it meant being a superman. Coming in second, people said that they wouldn’t mind playing second-banana to Mr. Potter.
This week, we’ll ask a specific question to the Battlestar Galactica fans in the audience:
Without throwing too many spoilers out there, we know that there are five Cylons whose identity is a mystery even to the core Cylons, which means anyone could still be one, though there are a few clues that can be used to limit the list a bit. Who do you think is secretly a toaster, and why?
Tigh’s Wife, simply because she should be a Cylon to justify how much I hate her!
Also thank you to all 36 people who voted in last week’s poll! The final numbers were 16 votes (44%) for Superman and a sad but predicted second place 8 votes (22%) to Ron Weasley. Hopefully most/all of you are Battlestar Galactica fans, or at least you’re cylons….
I vote for Admiral Adama, since one of the cylons told Starbuck he was.
BTW, I want to love Lee. In naughty ways.
So it seems like Battlestar is doing the same thing as Heroes, adding more characters to stretch out the plot. Anyone else get this sensation?
Tigh’s wife, Ellen(?) deserves a name! I’m shocked to see Critical Hits brainlessly enter the white male conspirarcy to degrade and dehumanize women (wimmin). Ellen Tigh is not “someone’s wife”; she’s a smart, sassy, slutty, and dead woman!
Nice spoiler, you spoilerauvinst.
Wow, looks like things are pretty evenly spread right now!
That’s what she said.
My true vote would go to Ron Moore.. I mean, c’mon he dies at the end of just about every episode and yet he keeps coming back.. Cylon anyone?
But does he have kids? Maybe he’s just faking his death at the end of every episodes to throw off the Cylons since he knows their secrets…
The ultimate hilarity here is going to be when the next new episode airs and within 5 minutes Mr. Gaeta is outted as the head Cylon. No votes for him? I smell conspiracy!
Starbuck is a likely candidate because I’ve heard the actress who plays her wants to leave the show. A Cylon-outing could reduce her to Tasha Yar-like guest star status.
There’s also been hints dropped as to Starbuck’s Cylonness in this season, so that would make sense. (And she has no kids)
Everyone is a cylon and it is all one huge cylon experiment on the behavior of what the cylons believe is human. Best plot twist ever!