This week’s Random Encounter comes to you solely because it snowed a half an inch in about 1 hour’s time this afternoon in Maryland. Trapped in such weather, be sure to arm yourself with delicious meats, so as to fling them at other survivors in hopes that the Ninjar…Polinja…Polar Bearinjas forsake you for a more protein based treat. This post once again comes to you on our neighbor’s generous commie-wifi, as some internet providers soon hope to allow you access to the internet purely based on the desire to have the internet. Until that time, I am still heavily dependent upon what I’ve descerned is my neighbor’s cat with their wireless router strapped to its back. Sometimes the signal is red, sometimes yellow, and other times meow mix simply pours out of the dvd drive. I’ve decided not to ask questions, and simply enjoy the treats which god bestows upon me!
One of my friends from back in college, we’ll call him Dan, once said that you know you’re onto something good when someone starts “hating on you”. I’m also sure everyone knows the popular quip “Imitation is the highest form of flattery”, in which case we were flattered and onto something good shy months after launching. This passed weekend we were re-affirmed that we’re really on the right track! We’ve had our share of pathetic, uncreative hater(s) since starting in October of 2005, one even stooped to personal attacks on staffers family members, but I really just want it to be a lesson to everyone that if someone insults your work without providing good criticism, or especially if they won’t stand behind what they say, all they’re trying to do is bring you down to their level.
This is how I’ve learned that you must always pay heed to where criticism is coming from, if it’s someone that’s looked upon highly by society and their peers, someone who’s educated in what they’re doing and what they’re talking about, then typically their criticism is good, polite, and often very helpful. When the person is lower then you on the evolutionary ladder we call life then it is often crude, unproductive, and envious critique. Also, please, take this into consideration when you are talking about someone elses work, how you criticise shows those people where you are in the order of things and will often lead to much better things. Oh, and please remember, next time you find yourself caught in some snow…keep an eye out…bearinjas are fierce and deadly!
Leave me here in my stark-raving sick sad little world.
joshx0rfz says
People are silly and vindictive. While it is frustrating that you can’t face the person who insults you it is much easier to ignore them.