Another verification that I had a good idea because the idea is used again! This time, an epic series (four parts clocking in at over 40 minutes) doing a live action Final Fantasy game set on a college campus. The first time they entered combat I cracked up. Final Fantasy jokes, stop motion gags, and, of course, evil world destroying Vegetarians. First part here, the next three after the jump.
That was pretty much the best thing ever.
Though, 1) I would like to have seen a gag about them going “on-point” (only one party member visible at a time), and 2) no FF chick has ever dressed that conservatively. Come on, now.
I feel like I wasted my college experience because I wasn’t doing shit like this!
You mean you’ve never been attacked by a science professor and a jock with a bottle on the way to class and had to fight your way out using a giant sword? I swear, it happens to me all the time, unless I’m wearing my moogle charm. 🙂
I agree, this Youtube is pretty awesome. I think my favorite part is the ‘weakness’ of the Bio Professor.
I must admit I was somewhat skeptical, but when they started talking in the blue text boxes in the first scene then I knew it was going to be good.
Toilet staircases, Brilliant!
btw, that fanfare that played everytime someone gained an item, that was a Zelda sound right?
Wait! There’s more than 1 episode! I changed my mind…my favorite parts are the random battles in the 2nd and 3rd episodes.
Yea, many of the sounds used were in fact from Zelda, not Final Fantasy. OUR BRAINS CAN’T HANDLE IT!
Bartoneus was right, many of the sounds are actually Zelda sounds, including the sound of opening doors and the secret door sound when that ‘statue’ was ‘moved’.