Is it worth the wait? Or will it be same old same old without enough new stuff to keep the game interesting?
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
I think a little bit of both those options, actually. It will be well worth the ‘wait’, which assuming it comes out in early 2007 will be far less then Blizzard has made us wait before for other games. It will, however, be an expansion of WoW and therefore not offer anything particularly new that WoW doesn’t already offer.
Better PvP maybe, more items for sure, more places to explore and spend countless hours trying to raid for single, low-drop rate set pieces, naturally, but truly “new” stuff that you’ve never seen before in World of Warcraft (or at best another MMO) I highly doubt it.
The CG kicks ass though!
Their CG is the best, always. But yeah, BC is a content patch with a pricetag. I would have argued that the talent reviews were a good change, but they’ve already been released for free.
Either way, my withdrawal symptoms haven’t been as bad as I expected. Maybe now I can get around to interaction that doesn’t require a computer to mediate the contact.
like abe im going to have to site my addiction. I purposly did not preorder BC for the sole purpose of weening myself off the Warcrack.
After spending as long as I did in front of it I realized that it was soley a distraction and a damn good one at that. Im sure maybe ill go get it one day, but I wont rush to the stores ala Wii and kill the guy ahead of me for getting the last copy.
watching the CG I almost cried at how far blizzard has come. Since the early days of Diablo I used to play Blizzard games soley to unlock the cut scenes. WCIII’s cut scenes were a little disappointing but watching this it makes me pray for a new blizzard full game release, not more WOW stuff.
I think blizzard needs to seriously worry about thier next release because after BC I think the flagship is going to slow down.
It’s really interesting that more and more people seem to be getting burned out on WoW, and it doesn’t sound like BC will do much to combat that.
To sort of answer my own question, from what I can tell there’s nothing in BC that would make me want to take up playing again. But what I would want to see in the game would stray pretty far from what they’re doing, and they’re going to do what they’re doing as long as it’s making them money.
Come on Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2!
The CG was gorgeous and very typical of the Blizzard team. Unfortunately it made me just want to play a game with a finite plot, characters, and a changing world. It did not make me want to play more WoW (although I still play).
I’m rather cynical about the whole thing. The ridiculousness of high level crafting really put me off the end of the game. The need for gear in the big PvE raids is crazy. To even have a chance at doing them you have to gear up from the lower level dungeons. It seems 60-70 will be more of that. As much as I would love to see all the big dungeons it’s just not worth the grind of it all and I doubt BC will change that.
Make a real game again Blizzard. Please.
P.S. Don’t make the villain a whiny bitch like Arthas (aka Anakin Skywalker).
Can’t talk, gotta PvP grind in preparation for BC 😛