This week’s inquisition is more of a follow-up to our Third Gift Guide that focused on Games. There are just too many games out these days, whether they’re videogames, boardgames, or tabletop RPGs, we here at Critical Hits can’t possibly play them all and much less know which ones out of each category are going to please everyone best. That’s why our guide stuck to boardgames, so here I would like to branch it out a bit:
What games have you been playing lately? Did you like them/hate them and why?
Videogames are a must, we know you all have been playing them. I already discussed my sickly addiction to Final Fantasy Xii, but other then that I have been enjoying Zelda: Windwaker (oldy but goody) and Guitar Hero (the first) which is also older but still a stellar product. A rather addictive (and challenging) web-based game I recently played was Sprawl, which really hits home for me with all the Green and development stuff I deal with at work. Along the same lines, I finally got to play Power Grid, which was obscenely enjoyable and I was ready to play it a second time before the first game was even over.
Most notably if you have a Wii or PS3 and have experiences with any games on those systems, please share them here so that the prospective holiday buyers (assuming any become widely available in time) can get a heads up on what’s hot and what stinks to the high heavens.
Sadly between finals and work I haven’t had much time for Legend of Zelda after I finally beat a pretty hard horseback battle. I’ve played the occasional Wii Sports and a few minigames on Monkey Ball but not for very long.
Since it’s my copy of Power Grid, I’ve been playing that a lot lately, along with playtesting for the company. On Thursday nights, Poker is always popular, and we’ve been playing a good deal of Speed Zendo.
For the most part I’ve been playing a lot of the new Final Fantasy III for DS and would probably join in everyone’s addiction to FF: XII if I had a PS2. For anyone who is curious, Nintendo’s Final Fantasy III redux is well worth the buck. Although it doesn’t boast the stronger story elements of 16-bit and beyond FF’s it’s a great title for those in the market for a quality handheld RPG.
Other than that I’ve been playing my friend’s Wii Sports at every possible opportunity and eagerly awaiting a wider Virtual Console Library.