Another somewhat long one, 8:30. Shot like the series of “making of” interviews previewing… George Lucas directiong Lord of the Rings.
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
This comes right on the heels of Danny and I watching the “Within A Minute” documentary on the Eppy III DVD. Rick McCallum IS in love with George, it’s sad. The very IDEA of that man touching my beloved LoTR is horrifying beyond words.
We dreamed that someday, 60 years from now or so, someone will remake Episodes I-III (at least) and tell the story how it should have been told. I managed to find a leak of the script for III and read it one night maybe a month before the movie came out – I enjoyed that experience far more than the movie itself, mainly because I was able to take the basic ideas therein and imagine how they SHOULD have been told.
Le sigh.
To those of you who haven’t heard this story, my dad insisted that he had received the potential scripts for episodes 1-3 AND 7-9 when Lucas was shopping around for people to do novelizations of the trilogy. (Supposedly the scripts were somewhere in our garage, but we were never able to uncover them.)
To quote my dad: “They were crap.”
So yes, 60 years down the road, when Lucas is dead, maybe a talented filmmaker will make some a good prequel trilogy. But even back in the day of the original movies, Lucas didn’t have the chops to make 9 good movies… only 2 and a half.
The original Star Wars trilogy was fun but not brilliant.
The original Star Wars trilogy:
-Created a new genre in film-making
-Redefined the way the movie industry told stories
-Was designed from every angle in a certain aesthetic that used imagery from all history
-Has one of the best and most recognizable scores ever committed to film
-Spawned an immensely popular intellectual property that resonates to this day, and created a new myth that most people recognize
You may not have enjoyed it as much as other movies, but it was certainly brilliant on many levels.
(studied this specific issue and had this argument this semester)
“Everyone else will be Jar-Jar.”
The original trilogy introduced us to real LASER SWORDS, that’s all they needed to kick ass man. LASER. SWORDS.
Star Wars may not have been Citizen Kane or Casablanca, but the original movies were by far the most IMMERSIVE film experience of my life. Every aspect resonated when I saw them as a child, and for every nitpick I can make as an adult (the first 40 minutes of Episode III are admittingly slow) I further appericated another (the use of Campbellian myth, the “I Know before carbonite).
Basically, original Star Wars are the best movies ever.
I admit, I was just saying that to get a rise out of people.
Not a good idea to irritate the nerds.
We can build laser swords you know! The rare radio show teaches how!