I’ll begin this with an apology, I’ve had Star Wars stuck on the mind the last few days. The worst part is that it stems from an incomprehensible desire to watch Revenge of the Sith again. I really only ever saw it all the way through once, the first time in theaters, when a ooze like disgust slowly crept over my psyche and blocked any further attempts at viewing. I vividly remember the first two minutes being truly epic, but beyond that much of my expectations were left crying in the closet of my youth. Gay euphimisms aside, I seem to be ready to give this final installment a second chance, not hoping that it will sullenly win me over, but hoping that I can find parts to enjoy and succor like a starving man cast away upon a deserted island.
This comic is really what The Game gets for quoting Yoda at me, he was definitely the best Confucian knowledge spewing green muppet, but his advice does not exactly translate well to everday life. Perhaps while attempting to levitate an entire X-wing his elitist view might come in handy, but getting through the drudgery of a job every day and finding time in the evenings to pencil, write, ink, and color a comic every week you must adhere to a tenet that is more forgiving. I found it only fitting that I be finishing said comic on a wednesday evening, but perhaps it would be even funnier were it a day or two late!
I recently stumpled upon a friend-of-a-friend’s blog that questioned one of the very things that made me despise the first episode of Heroes, the entire plot of that episode banks on a solar eclipse happening simultaneously in both Japan and the United States. Yes, certainly, these may not be presented chronologically nor meant to occur at the same time, but these are only paltry excuses as a solar eclipse happens roughly once every 18 months. This was definitely not the only thing, the concept and the writing were also to blame, but I will guard myself by saying I have not yet given it a second chance to win me over as I promised. Perhaps the following episodes can improve upon it, or at least explain the completely erroneous events in some satisfactory way.
The tag line “Save the Cheerleader, save the world” is the only thing stopping me from really enjoying the show.
You do realize after I said that your two comics since have been on time?
Strong in the art, you are.