Blizzard has pushed back the release date of Burning Crusade to January 2007, for a second I thought the anti-christ was going to be here before I could hit level 70.
Can’t join you in heaven God, must run molten core!
Everything tabletop gaming since 2005
by joshx0rfz
Blizzard has pushed back the release date of Burning Crusade to January 2007, for a second I thought the anti-christ was going to be here before I could hit level 70.
Can’t join you in heaven God, must run molten core!
I hear that they’re trying to time it with the release of Starcraft: Ghost 🙂
All I can say is, no college for most of january, w00t!
btw, best anti-spam words anywhere
When the rapture happens, you’ll be sitting around playing with your dice while I’ll be in heaven playing Starcraft:Ghost!
Yes, I’m a very religious man, they’ll let me in I’m quite sure of it!
I’m confused about your theology: Burning
DelayedCrusade causes the apocalypse, while Starcraft: Ghost causes the Rapture? Blizzard is awfully important.Abe: Do you think you’ll be able to gain those 10 levels to 70 in that span of time? Seems like that would be a lot of people’s complaint, that they would like the time off in December to work towards that goal while they have the time.
The world is “right” if Blizzard delays a game. If Blizzard had actually gotten a game out on time, then there would be something “wrong” with the world, this is one of the major predictions of the bible. Swarm of locusts = swarm of WoW players or some such thing.
SC:Ghost would just be something in Heaven (as in impossible at this point). Rapture post rapture would be playing SC:Ghost after being sent to heaven.
I know these theological issues are difficult for you The Game, but I’m always here to help.
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Bringing you the latest in videogame-related light blasphemy.
On the length of time it should take people to get to 70
I don’t believe Anyone would have made it to 70 during their christmas break anyways.
Look at the level range each new region in Outland is built for, and compare it to the level ranges for each region in levels 50-60.
With the exception of Silithus, every high end region from blasted lands until EPL was designed to support eight differernt player levels.
Every Outland region on the other hand is designed for only four player levels.
If We assume that blizz expects people to get the same amount of time out of each region before getting bored. Then it is safe to infer that leveling 60-70 would take twice as long as 50-60.
I would like to know who would actually have that kind of time to invest withing a week, even IF they took off work, played on the toilet, and ordered in pizza to their bathroom windows.
Hey, what’s wrong with playing on the toilet? Granted I only do that when playing w/Barton.