Toothpaste for Dinner is my favorite webcomic, accomplishing the difficult task of being consistently hilarious on an almost daily basis. He’s not afraid to do nerdy jokes either, as shown above. I’m sure I’ll be showcasing several from his archives, but I highly recommend checking it out. Also, be sure to check out his line of t-shirts.
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Oh God, I know way too many people like this
great stuff man.
“bad poetry /
oh noetry”
Definitely one of my all-time favorites… I’m thinking seriously about buying the shirt.
Some other comics in that same vein that you might like include, and (my own first hack at this style).
I’d buy that shirt, and the Matrix shirt, and the movie quote shirt… if they came in Gamer sizes 🙁
XKCD is one of my favorites too, it’ll definitely get profiled one of these weeks. I’ll check out Two New Things, thanks!