Tons of blogs and sites rushed to cover the half-surprising / half-publicity seeking involvement of World of Warcraft in Southpark, and all quickly hurried to confirm that the Sword of a Thousand Truths was in fact a sword model found in the game but just happens to be a drop few will have for a while out of the hardest instance so far, Naxxramas. Fortunately, the episode turned out to be classic Southpark and added a very hilarious storyline to distance the whole thing from just being a cheap publicity stunt for both Blizzard and Southpark.
In a hilarious twist, this morning Joystiq reported that the expansion (the Burning Crusade) beta reveals for us a mixed blessing! The Sword of a Thousand Truths has been added to the game, apparently as a reward for the new style of honor combat in the Arenas. Much to everyone’s dismay, the Sword has been horribly nerfed to a meager 88.0 dps and the mana burn is gone entirely. I jest, really, if Blizzard had actually added the Sword as per it was described it would be horribly imbalancing and over-powered. It is still a massively powerful weapon, requiring level 70 to weild, and several other abilities were added to it to make up for the ‘nerfing’ of the item. It’s very nice to see that Blizzard did not hesitate in incorporating something that many people will appreciate and strive to obtain.
Wow, just wow. I had no idea they actually added that sword to the game.
Strewth, no self respecting hero would be seen dead in those outfits ! In fact, I suspect they will be prime targets and dead soon enough anyway 😉
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