We have nearly all the facts now:
Nintendo Wii: $250. Comes with 1 full controller apparatus and one game. Backwards compatible with Gamecube, plus downloadable game library including SNES, NES, Genesis, and TG-16. Free internet service and downloadable content. No DVD or other media support. No HD support. Added functionality with a Nintendo DS.
Xbox 360: $300. Comes with 1 wired controller. Limited backwards compatibility with Xbox. Downloadable content and some downloadable games. Plays DVDs, and HD-DVDs with add-ons. Hard drive available as add-on. Supports HD. Some internet services free, multiplayer and other features will be an additional fee.
PS3: $500. Comes with 1 wireless controller. Expected to be backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2, but not fully confirmed. Downloadable content available, no word on downloadable games, but downloadable content is expected to be integrated directly into some games. Internet services free, including multiplayer play. Plays DVDs and Blu-Ray disks. Supports HD. Added functionality with Sony PSP.
So the question is… what system or systems will you buy or have you bought this year, if any? And why? ?
Most of you know by now that I’ll be buying a Wii for sure as close to launch as I can. Eventually I might buy an Xbox 360 depending on what games comes out for it, which is what I did for the Xbox, but it’s not a must-buy for me in any way. Several new games that I’m interested in that are available for the 360 were also released for Gamecube and the original Xbox, so there’s no pressure yet. The Wii, on the other hand, will have new games and new game play. I also don’t have an HD capable tv, which may influence my decision. And I have enough DVD players in my house already, so that doesn’t bother me.
I think wee will bee getting a Wii for Christmas. After that, I dunno – the 360 is a nice looking system, but until there’s a ‘must-have’ game that we can’t get for PC on it, it’ll be on the backburner.
I really hope that SquareEnix is smart enough to see Sony for the sinking ship she is, and offer up both versions of FF XIII (yes, there are multiple versions) for all next-gen platforms. Not like it’s going to come out before 2010 anyway, though 😛
OH. And how can I forget my beloved DS lite? Though woe be upon me that I didn’t wait until the pink one came out!
Tycho linked this article today: http://gameinformer.com/News/Story/200609/N06.0915.1324.09291.htm
Which leaves me sadly skeptical over how much of what was announced for the Wii (very similar to announcements made about the Gamecube) will actually come to fruition. Hopefully all of them, because Nintendo definitely has an upper-hand over Sony at this point, considering I’ve heard game developers say that not many companies have running games on the PS3, only months before its supposed launch.
Yeah, owning a DS makes buying a Wii an easier decision. Everyone’s hoping that you’ll be able to download NES/SNES/Genesis/Etc games on the Wii then put them on the DS. I have the feeling the controls of the DS limit it, but that would be a killer idea.
Though on the other side, there may be some really cool features on the PSP/PS3 link as well (and possibly the ability to download PS1 games and put them on the PSP) but that’s even more in rumor territory.
The DS has 4 buttons, 2 shoulders, and a d-pad. What more do you want for Super NES or Sega games?
I’ll be buying a Wii before the end of 2006… or at least trying too. The reasons are simple. 1. Price – it’s a good price! 2. Games – I liked most of the previewed games I saw a bunch.
Next year I will suck it up and buy a PS3 in all liklihood… but that wasn’t the question!
Bartoneus: I was more referring to the non NES/SNES stuff… Genesis and TG-16 and N64 might have problems translating (Genesis having a 3-6 button control scheme). We’ll see.
Also, any kind of stylus report is right out.
Kind of like 5.
This is somewhat of a tough choice for me as I will probably only be getting 1, so I’ll have to make it count. I will probably go with the Wii, one of the main reasons being that I didn’t really play much of the gamecube, despite really liking the games that were out for it. So if I got a Wii then I’d be able to play all of those old gamecube games. And, I could buy ’em for real cheap.
Who wants to play old games like SNES AnD NES AND GENESIS and nintendo games!!!!they all suck.Like the forum is the next generation, not crap old nintendo games.
I am probably gonna get PS3 or 360?I dunno
“gamerguru said:
Who wants to play old games like SNES AnD NES AND GENESIS and nintendo games!!!!they all suck.Like the forum is the next generation, not crap old nintendo games.”
Is this spam or something? Did the editors accidentally knock it out of their cage before eating and digesting it or what?
Heh, the editors claim no responsibility. But I think I speak for the entire staff when I say “we want to play SNES, NES, and Genesis games and they don’t suck.”
The Journalistic Guinea Pigs have been known to save some of their excrement for later consumption, it’s a Guinea Pig thing I hear…
OK…. who really cares!!
Most people in my school have never even heard of NES and SNES and genisis games.Heck wat is genisis anyway!!!!
Most kids at my school are all waiting foe the PS3, most even want the 360 for X-Mas
The only reason why people want the Wii is because its really, really cheap!
The wii has titles like mario bros., fox, and other titles/names like yoshi,Ext.
The 360 is alredy and was stacked with new titles
Just out of curiosity, what level of school is this? I’m surprised since my 15 year old brother knows what a Sega Genesis is.
I would buy the Wii even if it were $500. Wii Sports, Elebits, and Red Steel are completely new games that are being launched with the system. The biggest thing for me is that even though the PS3 and Xbox 360 have titles with new names, the gameplay is fundamentally the same as it has been since the Playstation 1. The Nintendo Wii may be using the same intellectual property, but the way the games will be played is completely new and unique. Maybe I’m old and crusty at 24, before I’m bored of playing the same type of games over and over again. If I were still in middle school and hadn’t played every system from the NES on, maybe I’d be impressed by a new generation of graphics with the same gameplay.
You’re welcome to enjoy whichever system you want, which is why I asked the question. However, I’m sure I will enjoy my Nintendo Wii, when hopefully I purchase it on Sunday. As for who wins the console war, we’ll just have to wait and see (probably at least a year), but we’ll have at least a starting picture as of next Monday.
Well i never owned any playstation systems so i do not knoe wat geres it has and wat kind if titles either?
But i owned the gamecube and now i own thw Xbox original. The thing i hated about the gamecube games was ther so small!!!!
I dont know wat genre ps3 has, so i may try it out. my friends r getting 360. i could play it at ther houses. and my cousin is definitly gonna buy ps3. and he will be on…so i dont care
I’m curious, too, about how young you have to be to have peers that don’t know what an NES or SNES is.
“I’m curious, too, about how young you have to be to have peers that don’t know what an NES or SNES is.”
Young? Or Ignorant?
I have no clue???
But i am 13.
wat does NES and SNES stand for anyways???
So much for being a guru!
NES = Nintendo Entertainment System
SNES = Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
All the characters like Mario, Fox, and Link got their start on one of those two systems. And in many cases the original game is still fun as hell.
Well i guess it depends what kind of genre you like. the Wii has adventures, 360 has shooters and ps3 has racing( I dont know about playstation)
IT Semms like the console wars have begun!