Random Monday News Update:
Finally human technology has reached an amazing pinnacle, when you can print out your WoW characters in lucious, 3-dimensional full-color! 3d Printers have been around for a few years now, and really they’re absolutely amazing in every sense of the word. From printing out a coffee-mug that actually retains liquids, a 100% accurate replica of a human skull, or very detailed architectural models, to printing small figures of a 3d WoW character skin. Of course there are some actual uses for the concept, it still seems a bit predatory to have a company charging people to have physical replicas of their favorite several thousand hour investments.
Source: Kotaku.com
I don’t see how this is “predatory.” I think it’s good marketing, though I’m guessing the price range will be beyond the means of most. As you point out, it’s not like you need one to play.