Sure, he may not have any coils named after him, but he still gets a birthday! That’s right ladies (and guys?) that stellar specimen of sheer ruggedness and “hotter-then-the-f-ing-sun-itself” good looks turns 40 today. Most famous these days for his leading role as the confused, puppy-dog-esque, and “I’m going to tell Locke what he can’t do” doctor on ABC’s Lost, someone on the planet might actually remember him from Party of Five, assuming the show was actually watched by any human beings. Lost’s second season wrapped up here in the US a few months ago, leaving people to ponder with increasing curiosity why Sprite and Jeep commercials are carrying subliminal messages about the show’s plot in their torrid depths.
There is really only one question that begs to be answered in Season Three: Will he finally hit that fine, yet only slightly above half his age, piece of ass known as Evangeline Lilly (aka – Kate)?
You might know Evangeline Lilly from spots on Smallville, or as a product model years back on some ill-concieved G4 game review shows, or simply from her role as Mother Goddess of the Living Universe.
got a bit of a man-crush, do we? and to think, you JUST got married to a woman… poor poor Suci.
I do love Matthew Fox, but in the end it turns out being more of a shared hobby with my wife then anything else.
You need to have things in common, right?
I didn’t know you guys had THAT kind of marriage.
The safe word is ‘4 8 15 16 23 42’.
I’d rather see Sawyer with Kate, I like Jack less and less with each ep. I’m still on season one, though. He stops being an idiot soon, right?