“He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene” –Nikola Tesla, about Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla, my favorite scientist and the guy who really defined “mad scientist”, had his 150th birthday today. (No doubt, of course, that he is still alive due to some kind of Dynamo invention.)
If you want to see Tesla in action, I highly recommend checking out the graphic novel “Five Fists of Science” where Tesla and Mark Twain team up to stop war using mecha… only to be foiled by Lovecraftian cultists Edision, Morgan, and Carniege. A work of historical fiction, of course. You can buy it from <a href="Five Fists of Science“>Amazon, or from your friendly local comic store.
Tesla (played by David Bowie) will also appear in “The Prestige” , a film by Christopher Nolan. The movie will feature Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale playing rival magicians. Or, as is much cooler, Wolverine versus Batman.
Anyway, happy Nikola Tesla’s birthday
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