Bioware has just released a new add-on to the Neverwinter Nights computer game adaptation of D&D. It’s called Infinite Dungeons, and it’s what every single D&D style game should offer: instant, random dungeon crawls. I haven’t played it yet- it requires both expansions, and I only own the original game, but I certainly plan on buying it when I buy the “Platinum Pack”. It advertises a new dungeon every time, lots of boss monsters, single-player, multiplayer cooperative, and multiplayer competetive. It also scales from low levels to epic levels.
This is exactly what the original Neverwinter Nights should have featured, and also what D&D Online should feature and World of Warcraft should feature. Instant gratification for all your dungeon-crawling needs. I’m not saying it’s the end-all-be-all of D&D style computer roleplaying, but there’s no excuse for new games not featuring something like this.
-5,000 xp for using the phrase “killer app”
And no biscuit for you!
From Wikipedia: “A killer application (commonly shortened to killer app) is a computer program that is so useful or desirable that people will buy a particular piece of computer hardware, gaming console, and/or an operating system simply to run that program.”
It’s the killer app for Neverwinter Nights, or even computer rpgs as a whole. Seems to fit to me. +A million xp. Twelve levels up.
Diablo I and II did this as well. Certain key areas were static, but otherwise they were all random.
Honestly, I just want an easy to use grid with overlays for area of effect, that way I can use a chat client to play D&D. That’s all I want.
Your mom’s a computer program that is so useful or desirable that people will buy a particular piece of computer hardware, gaming console, and/or an operating system simply to run her.