Announced at GAMA ’06, Wizkids announced two new “Clix” games to go along with their previous ones. Heroclix is probably their biggest and most recognizable Clix game, where superheroes from Marvel, DC, and others duke it out on a battlefield grid. They also have Mage Knight for fantasy battles, and have had various other forays into different genres to varying degrees of success.
The two new ones represent two new genres for Clix to dive into: HorrorClix and ToonClix. What’s cool about these is that they’ve gotten a whole bunch of licensed properties to put into them.
The announcement of Horrorclix came along with the first of their licenses: Great Cthulhu himself, a large promotional figure. (I believe you can also pick up your own for $80.) My guess is this means other Lovecraftian critters will follow suit, joining the “standard horror” ranks of Werewolves, Zombies, and Killer Clowns. And in a press release this week, Wizkids revealed that Aliens and Predators (of the movies of the same names) will also be in the mix.
Not only that, but the game as a whole will be “80%” compatible with Heroclix, which I take to mean that you won’t fight them in any tournaments, but your home games can have the JLA or the Avengers (or both, depending on how powerful he is) fight Cthulhu, or re-enact the classic comic series “Batman vs. Predator.” Though I gave up on Heroclix a long time ago, I think Wizkids is doing everything right on Horrorclix, and even if I don’t get into the game, I’ll probably pick up a starter for the minis (and a Great Cthulhu, if I can get him cheap enough.)
On the complete opposite end of the genre scale is ToonClix, featuring loads of cartoon characters. Not much info has been released about this one yet, but we do know Looney Toons, Powerpuff Girls, Scooby Do, and the Flintstones are in there, so presumably all the cartoons made by the same companies will be in there too. Sadly, this one is not going to be compatible with the others. So you will not be able to recreate the famous JLA/Looney Toons crossover series of a few years back.
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