That’s Plan with a capital ‘P’. In the grand heirarchy of schemes, this is the Pharoah King. Here’s the Plan:
You are going to go to this site where you can sign up to win a Nintendo Sweepstakes to be the first consumer to play the Nintendo Revolution at E3. Yes, that means you get tickets to E3 in addition. Even the secondary prizes are free trips to E3, but you don’t get to play the revolution. So now the plan comes into effect. You ALL should go and sign up for the sweepstakes, because I know you want to go. Then, if you win, you have a trip for two (2) to E3 and hopefully the sweetest prize in the whole world. Oh yea, and just to tap the hell out of this keg, they’ll throw in a DS Lite and Super Mario Bros. for it.
That’s the scheme, let’s go!
Just so we are clear, if I win the contest, the person who gets to accompany me will be the person who offers the most lucrative, ahem, favors.
If you win and don’t take me with you. I. Will. Castrate. You.
We like you just the way you are, so I’d make the prudent decision….